
Friday, February 18, 2011

Elections in India

One of the biggest challenges for the officials in India is the peaceful conduction of elections. Since India adopted the parliamentary democratic form of government from united kingdom, elections to parliament, the state assemblies, and the local bodies are held at a positive time fixed by the election commission. At present elections to the loksabha and some state legislative assemblies are in progress. Since India is a second largest populated nation, huge geographical extent, and due to scarcity of safety personnel and other resources the elections are held in distinct phases every time. The present election process is being held in five phases as it involves elections to two legislative bodies.

During the election process, the citizens of India elect their representatives to make laws on the subjects mentioned in varied lists like central list, state lists and concurrent list. Thus the elected members are also known as the legislators. For instance the state legislators are known as the members of legislative assemblies. The legislators elected to make laws on subjects included in the central list are known as the members of parliament. The legislators are thus supposed to be aware of varied social, political, cultural, demographic, ideological, legislative, and economic issues related to the nation as well as the world.

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Unfortunately, many politicians in India are power hungry. Some legislators want to become ministers, chief ministers, prime minister, etc. Some contestants even have criminal cases pending against them. These contestants go to any extent to get elected as legislators first and there would be a lot of competition after wards to become ministers. Citizens blame political parties for allowing such candidates to contest in the elections but the political parties compete with each other to win the elections at any cost.

There are allegations against even the election commission of India for its attitude of maintain to positive political parties. For instance, a old chief election commissioner recommended to the president of India for the extraction of an election commissioner for his alleged patronage to a national party. The election commission is being blamed by many habitancy for not taking sufficient steps for conducting sufficient elections But election commission denies allegations. Some officials of the government too are not impartial.

The media which is supposed to be neutral, too is under scanner. For instance, there are allegations that a prominent news paper in Andhra Pradesh, one of the states in India, has been supporting a regional party. There are positive television channels in India which patronage some political parties. The citizens want a neutral media which can carry news correctly, boldly and without any fear or favour. According to them such a media helps them in taking right decisions.

Finally, some of the citizens are not aware of politics of India. Hence many political parties do trap, hypnotise, and attract the innocent voters during the elections. According to the newest statistics, the voter turn out has been declining in some segments. For instance, Mumbai constituency has shown a decrease in voter turn out. This is due to many reasons such as lack of faith in the system, persistence of problems to the citizens even after 62 years of independence, improper candidates contesting the elections, lack of awareness among the voters about the value of a single vote, etc. Some voters even do not know the histories of politicians and political parties.

No body can deny that it's a great challenge to show the way elections in India. But the country needs to learn lessons from the past mistakes at least now. Poll related violence, impersonation, booth capturing, corruption, etc must be checked.

Elections in India

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