
Friday, April 8, 2011

Female Killings in India: Since Time Immemorial

Have you ever wondered why do we refer human existence as mankind and not humankind? Why is there biasness in sexes? Well, history is clear with facts screaming out load proclaiming the dominance of male species over the female and they aren't wrong. Throughout ages women arrival from different cultures and different walks of life have been suppressed and this story has got much to unfold. In India the fairer sex has been subjected to varied tortures and suppression which is very much prevalent in the contemporary society also.

In aged India Sati used to be a practice religiously followed by obvious Indian sects. Surrounded by the Rajputs this was a very foremost practice where the wife of a dead Rajput who died in the battlefield is burnt alive in the same pyre with her dead husband. It is defined as a funeral practice in which a recently widowed woman would whether voluntarily or by use of force and coercion immolate herself on her husband's funeral pyre. It took a lot of pain and hard work to make the habitancy understand the ridicule of this horrible custom. Only after many years and constant efforts of obvious great individuals like Raja Ram Mohan Roy (1772-1833), a group reformer did these communities realise the folly of this devilish custom.

News From India

This was a story of aged India but what about contemporary educated India? Shocking statistics relate that as many as 10 million girls in India have been killed by their parents whether before or immediately after birth over the past 20 years. In June 2007, a physician was arrested on charges of illegally aborting 260 female fetuses after police recovered bones from the septic tank in the basement of his maternity clinic in the outskirts of New Delhi, capital city of India. This is a superior case of female foeticide. If the very habitancy entrusted with the responsibility of rescue lives start taking it away, the road ahead would a very bumpy ride.

Doctors are supposed to protect lives not take it away. Globally China also shares the same fate; female foeticide and infanticide rates are very high in these 'Third World' countries and only by hold and allowable comprehension can this devil's work be stopped. This is very disturbing news because firstly schooling was supposed to refine habitancy not push them toward biasness in child's gender and secondly agreeing to statistics in this contemporary 21st century female foeticide is still a very foremost phenomenon. Being ignorant is the biggest crime which a coarse someone can commit, so be cautious and always description to authorities involved if a obvious physician or an acquaintance is complicated in this hideous crime. As John-Thor Dahlburg points out, "In rural India, the centuries-old practice of female infanticide can still be determined a wise procedure of action", and this is what needs change.

Female Killings in India: Since Time Immemorial

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