
Thursday, April 21, 2011

India is a Rich Country!

Yes, my dear friends you haven't read it wrong. And neither my intentions are to put a false statement in front of you all.

If only being rich means making more money and keeping more money, India is of course on a downward curve of that graph. But the good thing is being Rich is that money is not the only criteria that describes being rich or being poor. It is about many others things that habitancy with cash filled pockets ignore so often that being rich is about so much more. It's about heritage, internal peace, satisfaction, harmony, love with each other and power of sharing.

News From India

Lets start by some questions for you to answer:

1. Do you pay your neighbor to baby sit your kids?

2. Do you feel alone even if you are surrounded by habitancy all over the place and no body bothering to ask you - what's your problem, may I help you?

3. Does it happen that after being in love for years you get married to explore that No - this is not perfect relationship?

4. How many times you get together with your neighbors / parents / relatives in a year?

To answer in modesty we Indians never ever think of charging for keeping a close watch or baby-sit any kid. I guess if we could start doing that it could turn out to be multi million dollar business in just few weeks (thanks to our ever increasing population)

Whenever you are sad and no matter where you are in India - if it is showing on your face even the stranger (irrespective of his social or religious caste) would sit down and discuss your qoute with you - You don't need counselors to just free your daily pent up emotions. You can do it with habitancy who are full of empathy and just not listing because it is their job to listen.

We Indians don't wait too long to fall in love as love can happen in a occasion what matters is to keep it going, accepting other human as human and accepting each other positives and negatives together. That is what dispose marriage means and that's admittedly the reason why Indian Marriages are thought about to be for "seven births" and not seven days/months/years alone.

Sharing without a motive of profit, that keeps us together with all our neighbors, relatives and parents all the year round. We sing, we dance we celebrate all festivals, seasons, and when a tragedy occurs we even grief together.

Many habitancy nearby the world and mostly from the advanced nations have cultivated a studying level that stops them to take consideration that every society is differently Rich, some by money, some by resources, some by intellectual skills, some in human resource, some by its heritage.. So there is No one parameter to label anyone as rich because she has more dollars in her pocket then the co-passenger. You cannot neglect the fact that even Queen wears a brilliant in her crown that is from India.

The fact remains that India is lacking in many areas, and so to say many crucial area like infrastructure, education, medicine but so did many nations though the problems may differ, but the point is even the nations like Us, Germany, England or Japan have their set of issues to handle. All of us as a society have some positives and negatives- but the thing is to open up and explore what's others have to offer to you - and what You can offer back to them.

Come and explore India, it has gorgeous people, places, foods, exotica and many hidden treasures for you to discover, that will make you relish and enjoy life to it's fullest. Tour India that is the only way to look at the real India.

And when it comes to contribution and Sharing - take my word for it - India is a rich country! Indeed.

India is a Rich Country!

My Links : todays world news headlines

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How Top behalf From India's growth

It's Friday. It's been a crazy week, and I'm looking send to the weekend. But there's a problem. It's the first weekend in months without a expert football game. I'm an addict, I know. I can't wait for the Super Bowl... Especially since the hometown Cardinals are production their first appearance ever (Go Cards!).

The Super Bowl is still more than a week away. For now, I need to find something else to do.

News From India

Time to revisit the old "go-to" selection - the movies. There's a huge movie complex near my house. Notice I called it a complex. This is not the movie theatre of my youth. The movie complex is huge. The most important part of the whole adventure is not to forget your popcorn. The concession stand is a good 5 miles from the actual theatre. You could miss half your movie trying to buy a bag of popcorn and a drink. But I digress...

I started looking at the movies now showing. That's when I stumbled across Slumdog Millionaire.

Have you heard of this movie? If not, get ready to. It's about to burst onto the global stage for a number of reasons. The movie already won a golden globe. Recently, they were nominated for 10 Oscars. And that's just the start of the Pr.

The movie is scheduled to open this week in India.

Apparently not everyone's happy about its success. Set in the slums of India, the movie depicts a boy who wins millions on a game show. Habitancy are upset over how the movie depicts poverty in India. Some are calling it a warped western view of India. They dislike the way the slums are portrayed.

I'll admit, I haven't seen this movie. But given the number of awards it's won, and the nominations it's garnered, I'm sure millions will.

Reading about the movie got me thinking about India... And their economy. Recently, the global recession has been hitting the country hard. They also uncovered the largest case of fraud... Which didn't help the Indian markets at all.

I started wondering if India might be an investment to revisit.

If you remember, a few months back I wrote about investing in India. I highlighted a few key reasons the country might be an moving investment.

India has a huge population. Just over 1 billion Habitancy call the country home. They're second in the world only to China. As more of the Habitancy moves into the middle class, it will be a huge economic driver for the country.

The country's Gdp has been growing at a remarkable clip. In the Us, Gdp increase is colse to 1% or 2% (when we're not in a recession). India's Gdp has been pushing 8% and 9% over the last few years.

I'm sure some of that increase has slowed because of the credit emergency and global recession. However, once the global cheaper normalizes, watch out... The increase will return.

The government is also working on advanced improvement and modernization. It's estimated they'll spend more than 0 billion on roads, bridges, and other infrastructure in the next few years. I liken it to the Us cheaper in the 1950s and 1960s (and we all know how well the cheaper did then).

Now the last time I wrote about India the major indexes were down by 50%. Microscopic did I perceive how much supplementary they'd fall. Recently, major fraud was uncovered at one of India's largest technology companies. The market's dropped like a rock on the news (and for good reason).

I know it sounds strange, but now might be a great time to start looking at India again.

WisdomTree India income Fund (Epi) is an Etf holding a number of clubs traded on the National Stock replacement of India. I think this fund will be a great way to behalf from increase in India over the next few years.

Now I'm not looking for this Etf to rocket back up to old highs. It will take a while to recover. But given a good long term outlook, now's the time to start nibbling at new investments like this.

How Top behalf From India's growth

Thanks To : todays world news headlines

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

India - Nuclear Deal and Opposition

The failure of Indian political parties to come to a consensus about the nuclear deal shows a lack of will in the country to implement policies that are good for India. The opposition of left is understood to be in the context of the Usa. What about the Bjp? Let us discuss that.

1. Bjp is all for the deal. In fact if it was in power and the deal was offered it would have acceptable it without any opposition and shown it as a victory.

News From India

2. The question with Bjp is not with the deal but the fact that the Indian national Congress has clinched the deal. Bjp does not want to give credit to its opposition for the deal hence it is raising objections about the deal.

3. Bjp has some idea that its supporters in the middle class will vote against it because of Bjp's opposition to the deal. It is a well-known fact that the Indian middle class supports the Usa whole-heartedly.

4. Bjp plans to shout more about the rising prices rather than the nuclear deal The rising prices have come as heaven sent for the Bjp.

Indian political parties have yet to mature. They oppose whatever proposed by the ruling Govt. Even if it is good for the country. There only objective is to grab the power. For them nation matters little. What they are all the time looking for is power. Why Mayawati calls the deal as anti Muslim is beyond comprehension. The deal has nothing to do with any religion. This opposition to the deal because it may be against the Muslim desire shows utter lack of morality. It will also increase the divide between Hindus and Muslims in India. It is time for Muslims to get up and say that they have nothing against the deal. Unless they do so Hindus will see them in a dissimilar light and political parties will again increase the divide further.

India - Nuclear Deal and Opposition

See Also : todays world news headlines

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Tyranny of Government Bureaucracy's Resistance to convert Is Dying in India

In India, the Civil Services-the steel-frame-were designed by the British to rule a colony. And even now the bureaucracy works the same way as it did in the days of yore. The British bureaucracy in the Uk has changed, but the inheritance they have left behind in India has not.

The entire focus of the bureaucracy, often mockingly called the babudom, was to put the spanner in the involving wheels of economy pulled by the enterprising Indians.

News From India

Some of the pearls of their infinite wisdom were as follows: municipality levied annual tax on the bicycles; owners had to pay a license fee for the valve or transistorised radio; refrigerators, geysers and even black and white televisions were described as luxury; government decided how many cars or motorised two-wheeler were manufactured in a year; no hidden universities were allowed to open; hidden engineering and medical colleges were un heard of; the quota of newsprint was decided and released by the government; government fixed the price of petrol, diesel, gas, kerosene (it still does); aided or government schools were not allowed to raise fee for many decades, while teachers' wages and overheads multiplied many times over; rents were icy at middle of twentieth century level; so on and so forth. In short, pen pushers reigned supreme.

Sarcastically called the Hindu rate of growth averaged at 3.5 percent per annum. The antique ideas designed for the nineteenth century colonial rural India did not change, while all else did.

The one thing the old babudom did not know, or did not realise, was the rising expectations of the habitancy in general and their own habitancy in particular. The habitancy of their own circle were becoming disenchanted, and exasperated at the growing chasm between them and the rest of the world. The new technology, and its availability to the base people, was slowly making inroads into the lies the babudom told to keep habitancy in ignorance. The radio receiver sets constituted the first wave, then expansion of television in 1976 was the next wave, colour television in 1982 was followed by Vcrs in the mid- eighties, cable television came in 1991. Cell phones came into being in the mid 1990s; its rapid expansion and the advent of internet, the It enabled gadgets kept advent like the quarterly strike of sledgehammer that broke the back of the old system. The rapid expansion of transport sector, both collective and private, also dealt a severe blow to the status quo. The tail was wagging the dog. Educated masses were shaking the bureaucracy like never before. The inefficient bureaucratic buildings is sinking in the rising tide of expectations of 1170 million people, and it is a matter of time before it is thoroughly submerged in the aspiration of teeming millions.

The Tyranny of Government Bureaucracy's Resistance to convert Is Dying in India

See Also : todays world news headlines

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Malnutrition in India - Revealing and Disturbing Facts

India is a populous country wherein economic disparities exist on a gigantic scale. The widening gap between the have and have-nots and the rich and the poor has lead to a estimate of inequalities amongst which malnutrition takes the top position. In India alone, 20% of the children below the age of 5 years suffer from malnutrition. In India Malnutrition is famed in children amongst 5 years of age, roughly every third child out of 10 is malnourished. Malnutrition in India is identified as protein vigor malnutrition which when detected early can be treated in a good way.

The factors which can be determined when studying malnutrition in India are -

News From India

Gender - Women face a higher risk of being malnourished as compared to men. roughly 50% of females belonging to the age of 15 - 19 years face under nutrition while a still lesser ration are over nourished. This trend is known to reverse as women get older they are likely to get over nourished or likely to build anemia as compared to men.

Socio-economic status - Poor people are likely to come to be malnourished for they cannot afford two square meals a day while in the case of rich people, they are likely to be over nourished.

Region -People in rural areas and who do not enjoy good socio economic status are likely to suffer from malnutrition as compared to people living in urban areas where they enjoy comparatively good socio economic status and more way to good food provisions. Any way anaemia is prevalent in both men and women in rural areas as compared to those in urban areas.

The states of Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, and Bihar have revealed high rates of under nutrition while states of Punjab, Kerala, and Delhi have a high estimate of obese and overweight people,

Religion and Caste - In India, Hindus and Muslims are more malnourished than those belonging to Sikhism, Christianity and Jainism. At the same time children of scheduled tribes and castes are highly malnourished.

The Government of India has initiated some programmes to tackle condition of malnutrition in India such as Integrated Child development project (Icds), National Children's Fund (Ncf), National Plan of action for Children and United Nations Children's Fund

Integrated Child development project (Icds) is a government programme which was started in 1975 and is aimed at improving the condition of mum and children below the age of 6 years of providing added food, preschool education, nutrition schooling and connected condition services. It is determined as one of the most whole programmes in the world for it looks after 34 million children in age group of below 6 years and roughly 7 million pregnant and lactating mothers. Other similar schemes contain the National Mid-day Meal Scheme, the National Rural condition Mission, and the collective Distribution principles (Pds)

National Children's Fund (Ncf) was set up in 1979 under the Charitable Endowment Fund Act, 1890 for supporting voluntary organizations which are willing to take up activities for children's welfare. On the other hand the National Plan of action for Children is designed to meet the goals laid down by the World Summit held in 1990 wherein India and 15 states have industrialized plans of action for holistic child development.

The United Nations Children's Fund is committed to supply hold and assistance for improving the conditions of underprivileged children and their mothers. You can also check out the National Rural condition Mission whose goal is to "improve the availability of and way to ability condition care by people, especially for those residing in rural areas, the poor, women, and children."

Lastly but not in the least, Dr. Manmohan Singh, the Indian prime priest recently stated that "We are committed to soon bring before parliament a Right to Food Act. Malnutrition remains a serious qoute in India and many developing countries". By putting forth this bill, his government aims to subsidize the food grains even added especially to the poor and weaker sections of our society.

Malnutrition in India - Revealing and Disturbing Facts

Recommend : todays world news headlines

Friday, April 15, 2011

Students and Politics - The Indian Scenario

The pupil community, being young and energetic, are a bundle of inflammable material, which at the touch of a spark ignites into a large unruly fire like forest fire. They, being young have no patience, are provocative and malleable.

In India, the trend of students actively participating in politics began in the early 20th century, when India was fighting for its freedom. The elders being busy with their bread earning, they actively encouraged the youngsters to enter the arena of politics. Besides, they were young and would be in effect enthused to join the mass movement at the drop of a hat. Political parties at that time started enlisting the preserve of the young students who organized themselves happily, to help one party or the other. This trend started in the early years of 20th century and prolonged and even expanded up to date.

News From India

However, once independence was won, it was to be reconsidered if students should be allowed or couraged to enter politics. Some sections of society now started believing that students should stay away from politics and keep to their study schedules only. While the society kept debating on this issue, the politician took the younger generation as their work cum vigor tanks and this participation of students in politics has come to stay.

The present scenario in India is thus a keen struggle of political parties engaged in enlisting preserve of students. This obviously results in the students getting sharply divided as if they were of this political party or that so much so, even the campus elections come to be tainted with a touch of politics.

There is of course nothing without advantages and disadvantages, so does this involvement of students in politics. There are both serious disadvantages and may be few advantages too of students being on the centre stage of politics. Disadvantages outnumber the advantages. Firstly, while the students, have primarily entered college for studies they get distracted from their prime objective and come to be entangled in the dirty game of politics. The vigor and time they use or waster in masterminding political moves, could well be used to study. This entry of politics in the premises of educational institutions has caused many a damage to several students. Students have got rusticated owing to their active participation in politics, thus losing their hold on studies. Politics teaches students to put an end to all rules and regulations and come to be rowdy and violent.

This leads to closure of institutions which again take a toll of students' study time. The very innocent and loving appearance of children gets lost and they come to be rude, arrogant and disobedient. When there is too much of hooliganism entering into educational institutions, even police is to be called sometimes and there is utter disorder in the campus and even bullets find their way among the students. The disadvantages of students entering politics are numerous and destructive.

When we study the advantages of this system, they do exist but, are very few and hardly significant. Children entering the arena of politics learn the art of public speaking. They learn to be assertive and impressive. This medium is a good stepping stone to the art of leadership. The important and real benefit is that students in these prime years of life gain a lot of knowledge of politics which gives them training to enter the arena as trained politicians.

After learning the pros and cons of students' participation in politics, the disadvantages are more damaging than the gains acquired in the sequence. For, all the advantages students gain, can as well be achieved so in other ways also and there is no need for their entry into politics.
Students must stay away from politics and preserve their interest in studies which alone can help them steer the ships of their lives.

Students and Politics - The Indian Scenario

Visit : todays world news headlines

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tricks to Gaining the Maximum From the Shares market

Anyone can become an investor in the shares market. It is not putting in money for the Indian stocks but gaining that matters. If you have been involved in investing for quite some time and have been incurring repeat losses with negligible gains, you are not easily proceeding right. Luck favors only those who know the tricks of finding out potential Indian stocks besides managing their money. If you are not equipped with the knowledge of the shares store and do not stay updated with all relevant news that matter to you but yet nurture big dreams of making money, your dreams will never get fulfilled. It is never too late.

You can start learning right away. Stop your investing spree in the store of share in India for some time and gain knowledge first. Once you cultivate the passion and estimation to learn, read, show the way research and once you are unavoidable adequate to win, you can then step your foot forward towards investing in any potential Nse or Bse stock. You will then seek the wheel of fortune turning in your favor. In no time will you see your money invested in Indian stocks multiply to your satisfaction.

News From India

It will be wise on your part to study the carrying out of the shares store for the past several years so that you come to know what caused crashes, what caused the values of the Indian stocks to go up, and all related paraphernalia. Insight the past carrying out and history of the store besides also familiarizing yourself with all the terminologies related will prove beneficial for you. You will know either a particular share in India is potential or not once you reconsider all factors concerned. Again it depends either you want to spend for short term or long term. Risk is involved more for the short term than for the long term.

Taking informed decisions and arrival close to predictions for both the terms will easily lower the risk level involved. What are the factors that you should reconsider when choosing to spend in a share in India? To start with, reconsider the sector such as either it is realty or auto or banking or any other segment. Then reconsider the company, its prestige in the market, its increase trajectory for the past several years, financial records so that you know either it has recorded good growth. If it is, go for it. If not, then you should continue your crusade supplementary to find the potentially of an additional one Nse or Bse stock. Of course you will have to dedicate your time and efforts. The shares store turns suitable to those who corollary such a planned strategy.

Always be ready to learn from your mistakes. A wise learner in the Nse and Bse stock store is one who admits the mistakes and develops the passion to learn. You cannot expect every Nse or Bse stock to yield returns. Learn right and trade smart!

Tricks to Gaining the Maximum From the Shares market

Friends Link : todays world news headlines

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Dynamics of Indian Real Estate commerce

With a changing rupee to dollar equation and a dent in the software revenues from India, shouldn't Indian real estate business search for alternate drivers, other than It & Ites? Here we bring you the buzzing real estate news from India:

The It sector which has been driving the real estate in a big way with an annual inquire of 30 million sq ft may be under threat and thus real estate. Agreeing to Pranay Vakil, Chairman - Knight Frank India Pvt. Ltd. Who spoke on the impact of Macroeconomic policy of Rbi on Real Estate in India and expectations there from at Credai's Natcon pointed out that property developers in India need to think of alternate increase drivers- "What happens if rupee to dollar value come to 35 and then there will be a slowdown in the It sector and hence inquire for real estate. Developers need to think of alternate increase drivers."

News From India

Information Technology has been one of the biggest drivers of real estate in India so far. Take the case of any It city such as Gurgaon, Hyderabad or Chennai or Pune. The real estate of each of these cities has witnessed sea convert on the back of It boom.

Say in Pune, it was with the arrival of Hinjewadi It park, that the property prices in the neighbouring residential areas have tripled in last two and a half years. The It park spread over more than 200 acres and employing over 1 lac employees is driving the residential markets of Wakad, Baner and Bavdhan.

According to real estate consultant Vishal of Expat Properties Pvt Ltd,"These areas started as villages and now have been converted to cosmopolitan areas. What was ready for Rs 800-1,000/sq ft two and a half years back, is now for Rs 3,000/sq ft in these areas." Baner has some 50 new projects in the pipeline with Phonenix Multicon, Aditya Shagun and Paranjpe being the important real estate developers. Waked also has some 25 new projects lined up in the residential property sector.

For more details on Real Estate News India, log on to

Dynamics of Indian Real Estate commerce

Tags : todays world news headlines

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Media Journalism Jobs in India - Mass Media Jobs

India is one of the fastest growing nation that has abundant potential in terms of media journalism jobs. To do mass media jobs you can search Tv jobs, radio jobs, jobs in newspaper, magazine and other print media companies, online website and Internet media job. Public relations (Pr), advertising, sound, video and other multimedia jobs are also thought about as mass media jobs.

Television that is thought about as the leader in digital media has been seeing profuse increase in terms of number of channels. With the technological advancements in the field of broadband, Iptv and Dth the number of channels and Tv as an electronic media will further grow important to many media journalism jobs in India. It is found by the Ficci that increase in the Entertainment and Media manufactures is more than the Indian economy. Moreover the numerous media jobs and journalism jobs are greatly affected by the contributory foreign direct investment (Fdi) environment. All dissimilar medias be it a print, television, radio, films all are open to Fdi.

News From India

Expansion in media journalism jobs have also been done by the many key players of other industries that are now joining the media and entertainment industry. Trust Capital, Videsh Sanchar Nigma itsybitsy (Vsnl) of Tata group are the important names who have joined the E&M industry. Foreign investor Henderson Global has invested in Hindustan Times and Financial Times has invested in the company Standard. This has led to the generation of media jobs in these print media giants. Owing to this, print media is generating many journalism jobs and also showing profuse growth.

Radio with many most recent Fm channels is again gaining momentum and important to increase in media journalism jobs in India. This is a great push to the entertainment and media (E & M) industry. Electronic media has seen the increase in the number of channels. Walt Disney, Start Sports, Espn, Bbc are few to name in the media industry.

Now media journalism increase on such a large scale truly needs so many employees that are hired straight through media journalism jobs in this entertainment and information sector.

Along with these traditional media sectors, Internet is also catching fire and according to the recent estimates there are about 28 million users of Internet. Internet advertising sector in India stands at about Inr 1 Billion. There are now many media journalism jobs in India pertaining to Internet. Many news sites are coming that need journalist, writers, reporters and the whole editorial and website maintaining team. All the channels, Fm radios, newspapers along with media jobs are also important to the increase of advertising jobs.

There is no doubt with regard to the media manufactures in India that has numerous prospects and generating far better media journalism jobs in India. With efforts of government and many key players the journalism scenario in India has been metamorphosed from caterpillar to butterfly.

Top Recruiters for Media Jobs in India
Balaji Telefilms Bennett, Coleman & Co. (The Times of India Group) Hindustan Times India Today Group Living Media India

Media Journalism Jobs in India - Mass Media Jobs

Recommend : todays world news headlines

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Blankets From Pakistan and Sheets From India - What Is Traveling in the Fibers?

We sure import a lot of stuff from China, but it's only one nation the Us has a trade deficit with. We do try to help other nations move up in the world by allowing the flow of their products into our markets, but we need to be prudent and particular of these things. Think if you will the poisons in the toothpaste and pet food from China, or the toxic drywall and lead based paint in the toys one Christmas season.

Now then, let me tell you of something else our Think Tank uncovered. Well, there is a real question with the Ndm-1 bacteria, which is wholly defiant to all Western rehabilitation antibiotics and guess where it originates or where the major cases and deaths have come out of; Pakistan and India - and guess where Wal-Mart and other major retailers buy their sock, underwear, and many of their T-shirt undergarments from - right, same place.

News From India

Now perceive that there are all sorts of challenges with this question as bacteria can hide out and hitch a ride to the Us in the fibers of these garments, things like bacteria, etc, very possible. What about the floods there, remember they have issues now with flesh eating bacteria, diseases, etc. That stuff needs to be inspected, what sort of water filtration do they have in the textile mills?

Seriously, we got rid of so many diseases in the Us we do not need them back again. What about protecting the Americans? Surely, the Us tracks these products and protects us from such things right? No, not at all, and Ndm-1 is as bad or worse than the Mrsa virus we are dealing with here already. Please Think all this, it is a risk much worse than International Terrorism to the American People.

Blankets From Pakistan and Sheets From India - What Is Traveling in the Fibers?

Friends Link : todays world news headlines

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Shame and Setback for India movable industry

Euro news channel last evening had news that left me scandalously gobsmacked. The channel reported that an Indian community has banned unmarried women from using movable phones for fear they will dispose forbidden marriages that are often punished by death. My first demand was how on earth this can happen? For heaven sake we are in 21st century. According to the news channel the lank community council decided unmarried boys could use movable phones, but only under parental guidance and feared women would use phones to dispose forbidden marriages. Only an neo-colonial mentality man can fail to hold local women's possession group commentary of the quantum as backward and unfair.

I have all along known that marriages in the middle of members of the same clan are forbidden under Hindu practice in some parts of northern India. In that part of the country unions are traditionally arranged by families. In conservative rural areas, families sometimes mete out greatest punishments, together with "honour killings", for those who violate marriage taboos. In some cases, community councils themselves have ordered the punishments, though police often intervene to stop them. Reports also indicated that lank community council feared young men and women were confidentially calling one an additional one to dispose to elope.

News From India

The movable phone ban for unmarried women is part of a wider, regional effort to curb intra-clan marriage among the 3 million people of western Uttar Pradesh. The Lank council archaic ruling, which applies to nearby 50, 000 people, is being carefully by councils in nearby villages. community council members feel that cell phones helped in the elopement of young couples. Most marriages in the region are still arranged by the parents, sometimes without the merge meeting before the wedding. But young people are mingling more, with more women in schools and offices and increased way to the internet.

Mobile phones, meanwhile, have become so base and affordable that even city slum dwellers, rural day labourers and children have them. Across the nation of 1. 2 billion people, there were more than 670m movable phone connections as of August, with the whole growing by nearly 20m a month, According to government figures. The local women's possession group, Disha, said the ban demonstrated the councils' archaic mindset, and warned that it could put girls at a disadvantage in other areas of life. In October 2010 alone, Euro news reported that 34 couples eloped in Muzaffarnagar district, where Lank is located, in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh. Among the couples who did so, eight "honour killings" have been reported in the past month while three girls were beheaded by the male members of their house after they eloped.

Rulings by panchayats and comprising community elders superior by the community are not legally binding in India but are seen as the will of the local community, and those who flout them risk being ostracised. In Uttar Pradesh, panchayats are particularly superior and have declared that boys and girls of the same clan are essentially siblings. movable Phones have played a vast role in helping ease communication among people and one cannot discriminate in the use of these contraptions on the basis of sex. If effected this could be a national shame to all movable industry players together with my friend Kashish Kumar Paryani based in Indore. I vehemently oppose this move.

Shame and Setback for India movable industry

Visit : todays world news headlines

Friday, April 8, 2011

Female Killings in India: Since Time Immemorial

Have you ever wondered why do we refer human existence as mankind and not humankind? Why is there biasness in sexes? Well, history is clear with facts screaming out load proclaiming the dominance of male species over the female and they aren't wrong. Throughout ages women arrival from different cultures and different walks of life have been suppressed and this story has got much to unfold. In India the fairer sex has been subjected to varied tortures and suppression which is very much prevalent in the contemporary society also.

In aged India Sati used to be a practice religiously followed by obvious Indian sects. Surrounded by the Rajputs this was a very foremost practice where the wife of a dead Rajput who died in the battlefield is burnt alive in the same pyre with her dead husband. It is defined as a funeral practice in which a recently widowed woman would whether voluntarily or by use of force and coercion immolate herself on her husband's funeral pyre. It took a lot of pain and hard work to make the habitancy understand the ridicule of this horrible custom. Only after many years and constant efforts of obvious great individuals like Raja Ram Mohan Roy (1772-1833), a group reformer did these communities realise the folly of this devilish custom.

News From India

This was a story of aged India but what about contemporary educated India? Shocking statistics relate that as many as 10 million girls in India have been killed by their parents whether before or immediately after birth over the past 20 years. In June 2007, a physician was arrested on charges of illegally aborting 260 female fetuses after police recovered bones from the septic tank in the basement of his maternity clinic in the outskirts of New Delhi, capital city of India. This is a superior case of female foeticide. If the very habitancy entrusted with the responsibility of rescue lives start taking it away, the road ahead would a very bumpy ride.

Doctors are supposed to protect lives not take it away. Globally China also shares the same fate; female foeticide and infanticide rates are very high in these 'Third World' countries and only by hold and allowable comprehension can this devil's work be stopped. This is very disturbing news because firstly schooling was supposed to refine habitancy not push them toward biasness in child's gender and secondly agreeing to statistics in this contemporary 21st century female foeticide is still a very foremost phenomenon. Being ignorant is the biggest crime which a coarse someone can commit, so be cautious and always description to authorities involved if a obvious physician or an acquaintance is complicated in this hideous crime. As John-Thor Dahlburg points out, "In rural India, the centuries-old practice of female infanticide can still be determined a wise procedure of action", and this is what needs change.

Female Killings in India: Since Time Immemorial

Friends Link : todays world news headlines

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The New Face of modern India in voyage & Tour

Today, India has the potential to come to be the Global Super Power. Now, India is the 2nd fastest growing economy in the world after China with the increase rate 8.5%, and by 2013 we will beat China and will be on the 1st Position. India is territorially a large country, geographically a peninsula with a strategically dominating view of three major seas which could potentially supply a basis to operate ship traffic from the Indian Ocean to Pacific Ocean by putting toll gates at the Malacca Straits, a long continuing civilization (over ten thousand years), a large and young population(average age of 29 years as compared to of China of 38 years, and Japan of 47 years)- which is termed as Demographic Dividend, and as proven inventors of cutting edge scientific discoveries in mathematics, astronomy, surgical operation and recently in high quality It software. At gift India has demonstrated innovative capacity in Chip design, Thorium reactors, Biotech, and pharmaceuticals.

Travel & Tour is also the fastest growing manufactures in India. India tourism is slowly increasing every ending year. Nowadays, Indian population are traveling all nearby the world. The way of traveling by Indians is slightly different, preferring the luxury trip & tour.

News From India

Organizers of the modern trip and Tourism Fair (Ttf) in Ahmedabad conducted a eye among Gujarat attendees, and results showed a needful number of Indian tourists prefer luxury trip and accommodations.

Ttf found that one-third of those surveyed had an midpoint trip budget of Rs 80,000 as reported by the Times of India. Foreign tourism departments in attendance have taken consideration of this trend and are offering more options for Indian travelers seeking upscale opportunities.

"Switzerland provides tourists an choice of staying together in fully furnished homes or chalet with a kitchen where one can cook one's own meals," Swiss trip agent Puneet Sehgal told the news source. Sehgal also noted that at least 400 Indians select Switzerland for group vacations each year.

Japan has been focusing promotions towards Indian tourists, specifically for theme parks. One Japanese trip agent at the fair told the Times of India that Osaka's Universal Studios is a major attraction for Gujarati.

More than 15,000 population attended this year's fair, together with exhibitors from Egypt, China, Dubai, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and many other nations.

Celebrations times for trip Industry...

Travel Magazine has been informed there has been an increase in holder Holiday bookings this year compared to last year even though we are still in a trick economic climate. High street trip agents such as First choice and Thomas Cook are celebrating after population finding for Holiday Deals in September helped increase bookings this year by 75% compared to booking for holidays last September.

Some of the foremost trip agents like Lets trip India have been offering value deal holidays to help increase trade after the manufactures imaginable early this year that the trip manufactures could suffer due to the unstable economic increase in the Uk.

Some of the top selling destinations which have helped increase trade for trip agents have been Canary Islands, India Tour and Spain with population finding for cheap holder holidays as a large number of families could not afford holidays last year.

Wise holiday makers have been holding an eye on trip agents such as Lets trip India to quest for cheap holder holidays after the firm announced they were slashing prices on a large number of their holidays, while other holiday makers have been booking their own cheap flights and booking hotels abroad via the internet reducing the cost of their holidays.

It was feared that a large number of trip agents would see themselves left with thousands of unsold holidays but with holiday makers finding for cheap deals after foremost trip agents were forced to cut their holder holiday prices, this fear has now been reduced and trip agents are now claiming most of their unwanted holidays for September have been sold.

The Indian trip manufactures is doing well with Indian flights. After having suffered from a somewhat slow season in 2008-2009, once again India is foremost trip manufactures to the front, taken lime light and is finding a increase in its trip manufactures of what is imaginable to be in the middle of 5-6% & 1-1.5% higher than the global average.

There are two reasons behind this boom: one is the upcoming Commonwealth Games being hosted in Delhi in October & 2nd one is the Indian government efforts to boost the trip manufactures straight through improvements to international trip services and accommodation. This includes the completion of terminal 3 of Delhi's International Airport. The terminal is now the sixth largest in the world with a capacity for 37 million passengers per year. For the traveler and firm travelers, this means shorter queues, more comfortable lounge areas, fullness of shops and increased flight offerings from Uk airports together with Birmingham, Belfast International and direct from London Heathrow as airlines bolster the number of Delhi-bound flights.

In prospect for the Commonwealth Games, the Indian government has also been giving the city of Delhi itself a major facelift; to such a point that professionals within the trip manufactures are anticipating that Delhi is speedily becoming a top contender as a one of the major trip destinations for world tourists.

Of course, with all of this concentration focused on India, destination-bound airlines and hotels are offering tempting fares and phenomenal budget chamber prices for Delhi bound tourists and firm travelers - both in October during the Commonwealth Games 2010 in Delhi and beyond.

The New Face of modern India in voyage & Tour

Related : todays world news headlines

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Apparel Sourcing From India and China

In the post-quota era, India and China are emerging as the major hubs for global apparel sourcing, generally to U.S.A. And the European Union.

There are some factors which led to this development. The vast size of the Indian textile manufactures and its competitiveness make it one of the world's prominent apparel exporters. India has vast sources of raw materials. Labor costs are low in India. Indian traders have a wealth of entrepreneurship, designs and experience, which enable them to produce and apparel of high quality. Changes in the policies of the Indian government have opened up the Indian cheaper to the covering world, which has led to a rise in exports. Indian textile firms are quick in making changes such as addition their capacity and adopting new technology, holding in view the growing inquire for Indian apparel all over the world. India has a large source of cotton domestically. About 75% of India's exports are cotton items.

News From India

Reputed foreign traders like J.C. Penney, Wal-Mart, Gap, Marks & Spencer and others source apparel from India. No other country except for China can quite match the Indian textile industry. In the year 2005, after the abolition of the quota system, Indian exports to U.S.A. Grew by 34% and exports to the European Union went up by 30%. Most of India's exports are to U.S.A. And the European Union. Both of them together account for around 70% of India's exports. In the year 2005, India ranked 3rd in apparel exports to U.S.A. And 5th in apparel exports to the European Union. The total textile exports of India were 8568.61 million Usd for the duration April-October 2005, which rose to 9022.61 million Usd in April-October 2006, recording an approximate 5.3% growth.

Apparel Sourcing From India and China

Thanks To : todays world news headlines

Monday, April 4, 2011

Wife Burning in India - Why Does it Happen?

Wife burning is a heinous crime in India.

Women are liberated now, but still they are not free from the fire of atrocities. Whether its dowry or a Sati ritual, habitancy can manifest women drowned in fire. Women are always exploited and underestimated since past many years. The two tasteless custom of burning wife are:

News From India

With so much pomp & show and fun & frolic, the groom's parent welcomes the bride in their house. The girl leaves her parents house with tears in her eyes and a trust in her heart for her life partner. The Indian girl not only gets married to a boy but she considers the groom's family as her. But what a plight of this young bride, who is surrounded by the unfamiliar habitancy who has an eagle's eye on her trousseau. For them she is a blank check, a hen who'll deliver a gold egg for them daily.

Harassment starts after few days. Her dedicated duties resulted as a Sisyphean. Sarcastic remarks, rude behavior and castigating her now and then. Finally, that horrifying day arrives when the poor girl who was going straight through this intense terror at every occasion is Whether maimed or killed. She is drained with gasoline or any such inflammable material and burnt to ashes. But a saga is, the collective stigma in India against those parents who maintain their daughter or file a case against her in-laws or/and husband. Some parents too leave their daughter on her fate at her in-laws place and with cruel husband. She is anticipated to lead her life there till death. Nobody pay heed to that palpable dead look of this bride.

If, by god's grace women is saved from burning for dowry is a custom in which widow is forced to sell out her life at her husband's funeral pyres. Though the investigate proves that the ritual was voluntary, where the woman decides Whether to end her life with her husband after his death or live a life. But in some villages of north-India and by some insane, lumpish and orthodox habitancy the widows were forced to immolate. The ritual of Sati is much prevalent in the villages of Rajasthan in north-India and also in some castes of Bengal in east-India. In some communities, where the ruler had more than one wife, only the beloved wife was immolated with her husband.

This custom was tried to ban by some Mughal rulers and straight through the dedicated fight by Raja Ram Mohan Roy. British outlawed this custom in 1829.

Let it be Dowry or Sati, the women are burning like a ball of fire due to the reasons that they are considered a symbol of pity. Some parents even get into chagrin with the birth of a girl child. Sons are more pampered than the daughters and husbands are truly the god for their wives.

If not exactly burning for dowry or as sati, but women in India were and will suffer harassment Whether physically, emotionally or mentally, until or unless her parent feel proud to be the father and mom of a daughter.

Wife Burning in India - Why Does it Happen?

Tags : todays world news headlines

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Peace Pipeline - Iran to India Natural Gas

India has experienced astronomical increase in population at an mean of 7% a year in the last decade. With this growth, India's need for energy has increased exponentially. In a move that threatened to strain United States - India relations, India signed a billion ageement with Iran, promising to import more than 1.2 million metric tons of liquefied natural gas each year from the natural gas giant.

Iran possesses the second largest proven natural gas reserves (only Russian reserves are larger) estimated at 812 trillion cubic feet of the resource. With an cheaper that is often in disarray, Iran has pumped up its efforts to increase its gas exports dating back to the large discoveries of their South Pars natural gas fields in 1988. This discovery made Iran the sole owner of 9% of the planet's natural gas reserves. Iran envisioned the promise of large profits if export deals could made with the ever addition populations and energy needs of South Asian countries like Pakistan and India. In 1995, Pakistan signed an introductory trade with Iran allowing a pipeline to be constructed from the South Pars fields to Pakistan's industrial port, Karachi. This trade resulted in a feeling of confidence within Iran's natural gas industry, and motivated Iran to take that trade one step further. Iran proposed that Pakistan could not serve as a final destination of the new pipeline, but rather as a stopping off point, with the pipeline persisting on into India. This would not be an astronomical undertaking of engineering, but of political compromise, with India and Pakistan having had strained relations since the mid 1940s over there disputed mutual borders. perhaps India and Pakistan could put aside their political and group disagreements in order to accomplish the economic increase the import of natural gas fuel could generate for both countries. The proposed pipeline has been nicknamed the "Peace Pipeline" because of the promise of political compromise and mutual trade between the two nations of India and Pakistan.

News From India

Perhaps an even larger hurdle for the pipeline exists half a world away in a totally dissimilar hemisphere. The United States has expressed its concern and objection to any agreements, economic or otherwise, made between any of its allies and Iran. Iran has expressed disdain for the large nearnessy of Us forces forces in the Indian Ocean. An trade between the three countries is still in the works, but the building has not yet begun. Iranian natural gas associates similar to Triple diamond energy Corp, British Petroleum, and others, will be ready to help with building efforts when the time arrives.

Peace Pipeline - Iran to India Natural Gas

Related : todays world news headlines

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Maoists Challenge in India

A frequent conference is taking place in the public domain to find out either the extremism of Indian Maoists is an act of terrorism or not. In fact, there is a very thin line which divides the Maoists extremism from other typical forms of terrorism. Mindless mass killing, brutal extermination of detractors and critics, destruction of state asset are among the many common features of the terrorist philosophy that fits well with the Maoists 'revolutionary' strategy. Maoists, like the terrorist groups cling to a fanatic socio-political and cultural belief, prefer consummate loyalty from their cadres and favor absolute totalitarianism. Both have trained themselves to use sophisticated weaponry and have grown more adapted these days to pathological killing. Both believe in oppositional terror and try to perform it by intense violence. Where religious terrorism is inspired by religious dogma, Maoist political terror is inspired by a rigid form of political dogma. Both have practiced mastery to cunningly use rival mainstream political groups against one an additional one to pursue their goal while the mainstream political groups stupidly think the reverse. Both have grown to be a lucrative media catch and perfected the art to make use of the ultimate double standards of the fourth estate. Reluctant to renounce violence from a deliberate choice of applying terror tactics to force political concessions, Maoism in India is incessantly getting synonymous with terrorism.

The gun-cult

News From India

To neutralize the strengths of conventional law promulgation troops and capture areas from political parties who have the potential to raise an resistant challenge to them, Maoists are often applying tested terrorist methods of macabre violence. The Maoist guerrilla squads perpetrate ambushes on safety force convoys, kidnap and gruesomely assassinate individuals from poorly protected police stations in remote regions, plant booby traps of homemade improvised explosive devices or chic landmines, carry out a programme of individual annihilation of grass-root workers, supporters and sympathizers of rival political parties after terming them 'class enemies' or 'renegades'. Most of their victims, notably, belong to the poor section of the society.

Their petty-bourgeois cheer-leaders and intellectual sympathizers believe that there is nothing wrong in this gun-cult as it is only a 'consequence of mass anger' and so cannot be labeled as 'premeditated terroristic attack'. They think this politics of terror as a socio-economic phenomenon, created impulsively as a response to a single public and economic situation. To them, at the occasion this risky trust seems to be convenient. But as Bob Dylan has once said "People seldom do what they believe in. They do what is convenient, then repent."

Democracy at Gun point

A lot has been said about the 'admirable' amelioration works that the Maoists have put up in the dense forests of Bastar in Madhya Pradesh and Dantewada in Chhattisgarh where they are running a parallel government - the 'Janathana Sarkar' (People's Democratic State). Here, the Maoists have gone all out with their experiment to build a model classless society. The 'Janathana Sarkar' is an elected body but 'Landlords, anti citizen hierarchs, stooges of exploiting government and anti revolutionary troops are disqualified to partake in elections.' As we learn from the lofty Maoist document 'Policy programe of Janathana Sarkar' (1) the People's Democratic governments have deployed a robust wage range principles to run their expenses, distributed lands confiscated from landlords to poor and landless peasants. It has formed a forest safety committee to safe the natural livelihood of the tribals, running schools to raise political consciousness and scientific knowledge among the masses. To deliver overview justice to the oppressed masses, people's courts reinforced with 'new principles of justice, class line and mass line' often tries and punishes 'landlords, hierarchs, heads of the ruling class parties, exploiting government officers, police, paramilitary, troops forces, goondas, anarchists, thieves, deceivers, conspirators, police agents'. To successfully operate every aspect of the lives and livelihood of the tribal inhabitants and to say its absolute authority, the Janathana Sarkars' has built up a necessary guerrilla base qualified with sophisticated arms and ammunition.

Elite bleeding-heart Maoist sympathizers have been provided enough space in the liberal bourgeois media to continuously drum on their admiration and paint a romantic picture of the 'constructive programmes' of this illegal Maoist governments which is run by the 'principles of democracy' where 'individuals shall be committed to the government, minority to the majority'. They are ecstatic about how the Maoist governance has made the oppressed tribals feel proud of their identity and has brought back their self-respect. How the Maoist gunmen have protected them from the exploitation and harassment by local feudal lords, hamlet chiefs, forest and police personnel, businessman and contractors. How the Maoists have empowered the marginal tribal farmers by teaching them agricultural skill, affiliated tribal families into cooperative farming, organized them to volunteer for digging tanks for irrigating land and breeding fish and has provided former schooling and health care facilities to fight illiteracy and endemic diseases like malaria and diarrheoa. Above all, the sympathizers are delighted to report how the Maoists have reignited the tribals against state sponsored atrocities and endowed them with guns - the ultimate sticker of power. The tribal voice under the Janathana Sarkars, they exclaim, is the real voice of people's power. Here the voice grows out, literally, from the barrel of gun.

Are the Maoists verily concerned about the genuine problems of the tribal inhabitants of these regions or they are using the tribals as a pawn in their game? Do the Maoists represent the whole tribal citizen of these regions? These remain pungent questions which does not have an easy answer. The tribal heartland of India was not verily superior by the Maoists because they had any special affection and empathy for the underprivileged tribals. It was a strategic choice for its geographical advantages. To build up a safe base and getting prepared for their so called revolutionary war, the Maoists required a secured hideout for themselves which will be inaccessible to the state safety forces. There could be no conference at all that the tribals have remained the most neglected citizen in India and has encountered endless state apathy during both pre-independence and post-independence time. The tribal regions are among some of the most backward regions of the country. The Maoists have naturally exploited the situation by seducing a major section of the inhabitants to perform their own gory interests. Correction of tribal life has little significance in the broader context of the Maoist strategy. The secluded tribal lands are foremost for them as self-sufficient base areas, for consolidating their compel to later advance and unleash 'protracted People's War' against the Indian state and subsequently overthrow it.

What is verily going on inside these jungles? How do we, who live exterior the 'liberated zones', learn about the effectiveness of these 'classless' Maoist governance when much of their functioning inside the jungle hideouts is invisible? Fortunately, we have two foremost sources of information.

The 'stinking' dissenters

The Central task of the Indian revolution... Is the seizure of political power. To perform this Central task, the Indian citizen will have to be organized in the people's army and will have to wipe out the armed troops of the counterrevolutionary Indian state straight through war and will have to establish, in its place, their own state - the People's Democratic State - from the Cpi (Maoist) document: Strategy & Tactics of the Indian Revolution

The first unambiguous source of facts is the any fact-finding reports by civil liberties groups and accounts of public activists and Ngo organizations mostly comprising the liberal and radical left. This is a special mix of 'aware and awake' citizen who essentially believes that 'people have a right to defend themselves against state violence' and certifies Maoist violence as 'the very last choice of a desperate citizen pushed to the very brink of existence'. These are the citizen who validate the killing spree of Maoists by citing that 'Hindu mobs led by the Bajrang Dal and the Vhp had killed more citizen than the Maoists' and verily believes that the Maoists 'don't kill without a good reason'. They feel that the Maoists cannot lay down arms as it will only allow the State to crush them. These are the citizen who believe that the people's courts of the Maoists 'only existed because India's courts are out of the reach of ordinary people' and love to talk persistently about 'police repression, the arrests, the torture, the killing, the corruption'. These are the citizen who edify us about how state governments, from an absolute paranoia of the Maoist specter, are branding every dissenter as Maoists and thus pushing activists as well as ordinary citizen 'to take up arms and join the Maoists'. These are the aware citizen who know about 'the dangers of trying to citation a easy morality out of individual incidents of heinous violence'. These are the sensitive and implicated citizens of India who turn blind when the Maoists carry out cold blooded murder of Cpi(M) activists in Bengal or behead police inspector Francis Induwar in Jharkhand. These are the citizen who get extremely angry when the Vanvasi Chetana Ashram in Dantewada was demolished by the state troops because this 'neutral outpost' had virtually became the base camp of city-bred outsiders to exchange useful facts and preserve with the Maoists but do not get angry at all when the Maoists blow up schools. These are the same group of citizen who talks about human ownership violation during every performance of state safety troops but say absolute silence when the Maoist and their frontal organizations unleash mindless violence on common people.

These Indian dissenters are the champions of the oppressed, who couldn't help finding (and smelling) cheap! These are the citizen among whom Arundhati Roy has found that 'a humane heart still beats'. (2)

'Maoists are part of the story'

The second source is the reports and features produced by the neo-liberal Indian corporate media. Duty bound daring scribes frequenting into the Maoist heartland bring out titillating news stories. List of the ascending life of a once timid tribal and now a fearless Maoist guerrilla is described in those stories in descriptive detail. during every accident period in their movement, the Maoist leadership has invited the 'dear pressmen & Tv channel hoisters' from the 'democratic and free' Indian print and electronic media into their 'liberated zones'. The numerous investigating reports that the journalists carry out later, serves both the Maoists and the media bosses. The Maoists get free publicity which they think elevates their public image. The media gets steady readership that facilitate the manufacturing of public consent. These reports feature why tribal youths want to join the Pga (People's Guerrilla Army) and fight against the police. Why the tribal populace think that the Maoists are their only savior. It also helps to generate the myth of the Maoist style 'development'. It creates a thriller supervene in the mind of the readers and viewers as the thought of dissent is always moving to the petty-bourgeois conscience. A section of the media has industrialized a generic habit of romanticizing the Maoists. There is a exact speculate behind this romanticism. It is not to display their love for the Maoists but principally directed against the mainstream Left, to lower their significance in people's mind. Thus, the kind media puts top Maoist leader consolidate Kobad and Anuradha Ghandy on a pedestal and asks in a melodramatic voice: how did the daughter of a high profile lawyer of Bombay High Court or the son of a top Glaxo menagerial come to select a life of struggle and hardship? (3) If we accept the media stories as true, we will examine that every Maoist leader was a excellent pupil and at the same time 'extremely aware of what was happening around'. They automatically get radicalized while studying in elite colleges and learn to shed tears for the poor. Responding to the righteous call to fight for the oppressed, they soon become gun carrying revolutionaries.

There is a lucid pattern in which these stories are woven and planted. In fact, the corporate media serves its own agenda when it purposely turns into a Maoists mouthpiece. The transformation obscures the genuine democratic struggles that are going on in the fields and factories all over India. Mainstream Left parties have always criticized left extremism for dismantling of democratic movements. In this aspect they are verily right. The Maoists and the corporate media work hand in glove and share a common understanding to verily demolish the scope of democratic resistance.

To obtain a true picture of the 'alternative system' of Maoists governance, should we then rely on these resources as unbiased, credible and truthful?

'To live exterior the law you must be honest'

At present, these self-styled protectors who boast about safeguarding tribal wealth from 'capitalist development' and 'corporate expansion' have verily monopolized their operate over mineral and other natural wealth in the regions they control. They are complicated in illegal harvesting like growing poppy crop and smuggling of minerals and forest products straight through criminal syndicates of the timber and mine mafias. The wage range system, disguised as 'taxes and donations from the citizen and fines from the anti citizen elements', is their main source of wage that comes from extorting huge amounts of royalty from the traders, contractors, mining corporates and big industries operating in those regions. While indoctrinating the tribal citizen against the Indian State, the Maoists at the same time had successfully built up dubious relationships and deceitful understandings with mainstream political parties. In Andhra Pradesh, local politicians have found them handy to obtain electoral gains. The same nexus was evident during the Jharkhand assembly determination in 2005. Recently in Bengal, the Maoists are working as second fiddle to Mamata Banerjee and her cohorts.

On the eve of 'Operation Green Hunt' - the Indian State's heavy counteroffensive plan against them, the Maoists are feeling the urgent need to forge a strong preserve base 'at every level possible' which includes their 'honorable' sympathizers from the intelligentsia as well as mainstream political parties. Their obnoxious against the 'brutal' state troops needs to be carried out 'in close coordination with, and in preserve of' these mainstream sections of the Indian society. The Maoist leaders are assuredly not fools but have cunning political brains. They know that to take up 'wide propaganda exposing state terror and state-sponsored terror' and evoke pity among the broader masses, the help and preserve from the babble mouth elite sympathizers, the 'liberal' media and petty-bourgeois radicals will give them the necessary propaganda mileage. By lending opportunistic 'tactical' preserve to petty-minded political groups to work on petty politics, by inciting an anarchic situation straight through their murderous politics, they want to divert attentiveness from their surreptitious activities. Bengal is a paradigm case where reactionary political troops like the 'useful idiots' of the Trinamool Congress has volunteered to help the Maoists just to pathologically oppose the necessary partner of the ruling Left Front - the Cpi(M). So, it is not a surprise when we hear the shrewd Cpi-Maoist politbureau member Koteshwar Rao a.k.a. Kishanji openly declaring Mamata Banerjee as the next Chief clergyman of Bengal! This friendship will immensely help the Maoists to keep an escape corridor open for their 'brave' guerrillas to turn their tails and flee from the imminent State offensive.

During the show of might between state troops and the Maoists, the hapless tribals will be caught in the crossfire and left to bear the maximum brunt. Their already wretched life will supplementary get shattered. This is going to be the most disturbing part of the event.

(1) Maoist Document: procedure programe of Janathana Sarkar
(2) Arundhati Roy: The heart of India is under strike (The Guardian, Friday 30 October 2009)
(3) Rahul Pandita: The Rebel in (Open Magazine, Monday, 28 December 2009)

1. Ajai Sahni: 'Naxalism'- The recession of Civil Governance (from
2. Debasish Chakraborty: Who Are The Maoists Working For? (from
3. Nirmalangshu Mukherjee: Open Letter to Noam Chomsky (from
4. V Balachandran: An ideological adversary (from

The Maoists Challenge in India

Related : todays world news headlines

Friday, April 1, 2011

Bomb Blasts in 2008! Is India Going the Iraq Way?

If barely a day goes in Iraq or Bosnia without forces attacks and car bombings, you can assume that it is a peaceful day for them. India, one of the peaceful countries is the world is suffering from the highest amount of terrorist attacks and bombings the country has ever seen in 2008.

Flashback to the serial bomb blasts on March 12' 1993 in Mumbai which gave rise to the term 'serial blasts'. Since then intermittently, there has been terrorist attacks in various parts of the country, generally in Mumbai, the industrial capital of the country, the second biggest one being the one on July 11, 2006 where bombs exploded in the first class compartments of suburban Mumbai trains, resulting in heavy loss of life and limb.

News From India

Two years later in 2008, India been plagued with bomb threats and bomb blasts by terrorists who resort to emailing Tv stations before and soon after commuting the act. Though the terrorist call themselves Indian mujahedeen, Indian police have deciphered Im as a non entity working under the garb of Simi(Students Islamic Movement of India. Take Im of Simi and you get Islamic Mujahadeen. The police are taking bomb threats very seriously and are on the gigantic manhurt to nab the terrorists of the Delhi blasts At the time of writing, an email has been sent to media organizations in Mumbai to blow up three railways stations before the end of the day. As a result, Mumbai is witnessing the highest protection check, it has ever witnessed in its history today. Even if it is a prank, the police cannot afford to take any chances.

Here are the up-to-date ten bomb blasts and terrorist attacks that shook the country in three years (sourced from Dna and Outlook India)

October 29, 2008:
A series of powerful explosions ripped through crowded market areas in New Delhi, killing at least 50 citizen as shoppers in the Indian capital were gearing up for a major Hindu holiday.

July 26, 2008:
Serial blasts in Ahmedabad kill close to 45 and injure over 100

July 25, 2008:
Seven blasts strike the It city of Bangalore killing at least two citizen and wounding at least 20.

May 2008:
Eight serial blasts rock Jaipur in a span of 12 minutes leaving 65 dead and over 150 injured.

January 2008:
Terrorist strike on Crpf camp in Rampur kills eight.

November 2007:
15 citizen killed in seven well-synchronised explosions near court premises in three cities of Uttar Pradesh -- Lucknow, Varanasi and Faizabad.

October 2007:
2 killed in a blast inside Ajmer Sharif shrine while Ramadan, in Rajasthan.

August 2007:
30 dead, 60 hurt in Hyderabad 'terror' strike.

May 2007:
A bomb at Mecca mosque in Hyderabad kills 11 people.

February 2007:
Two bombs explode aboard a train bound from India to Pakistan, burning to death at least 66 passengers, most of them Pakistanis.

September 2006:
30 dead and 100 hurt in twin blasts at a mosque in Malegaon.

July 2006:
Seven bombs on Mumbai's trains kill over 200 and injure 700 others.

March 2006:
Twin bombings at a train hub and a temple in Varanasi kill 20 people.

October 2005:
Three bombs settled in busy New Delhi markets a day before Diwali kill 62 citizen and injured hundreds.

Bomb Blasts in 2008! Is India Going the Iraq Way?

Friends Link : todays world news headlines

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tibet - India's Dilemma

Tibet remains one of those difficult diplomatic and political, and moral challenges for the world. This is even more so, for India.

Since China's defeat of independent Tibetan army in 1949 and the signing of an business transaction by the then Tibetan government, the situation has been rife for difference and conflict: The government of China recognizes Tibet as autonomous provincial entity of the mainland China but the government of Tibet in Exile seeks independence for Tibet. And there are other disputes which comprise what constitutes Tibet i.e. The geography of Tibet.

News From India

India has always been involved in this dispute. Dalai Lama who is the symbolic head of the Tibet government in exile was welcomed to India in 1950's and since then the Dalai Lama has made Dharma Shala (in India) his home. Of course, the government of China has been very displeased with this arrangement. Furthermore, in China's view Tibet also includes Arunachala Pradesh -- a province in India.

Thus there are many issues of possible dispute in the middle of India and China with regard to Tibet. However, over time China and India have let the status quo prevail for the sake of peace. Both countries have been focused on economic growth and development.

However, the forthcoming Olympic games in summer, and Tibet's recent energetic and loud demands and protests all over the world for independence and Dalai Lama's nuanced stance (of both supporting the Olympic games and the aspirations of the Tibetans for independence) in the context of long-standing retain of India for Dalai Lama has made it a knotty situation.

Here is the crux of the issue: should India be focused on its immediate national interests based on evaluation of geo-political, territorial, economic and security issues? Or should India be an agent for fostering religious and cultural free time and diversity consistent with its traditions (even if it led to serious consequences to immediate political and economic interests)? The talk to these questions will decide India's response to the current Tibetan turmoil along with the relay of Olympic torch in New Delhi later in April.

Tibet - India's Dilemma

Friends Link : todays world news headlines

Monday, March 28, 2011

Book Addresses Indian American Immigration

They are known as the turbaned tide. Novelist Diya Das explores the journey made by Indian immigrants from the subcontinent to America's shores in Evolution of an Identity. Weaving the report as historical fiction, the novel focuses on a young girl who uncovers the American roots of her Indian house tree.

The story unfolds in three venues. The protagonist discovers a Californian ancestor, a scholar-turned-farmworker who participated in the 1917-18 movement to gain Indian independence from Great Britain. She then follows the travel of an educated aunt who immigrated to Chicago in the 1970s to work as a newspaper columnist. Finally, the narrator explores how to merge her Indian and American identities as she attends a Hindu festival in New York City.

News From India

The novel is filled with rich cultural details, solid historical references and fitting literary allusions. Das' research ended up taking her on a personal journey. The narrator's odyssey mirrored that of the author. Where facts and imagination did not originate a coherent story, Das employed elements of her own life as a first generation Indian American immigrant.

About the author

Diya Das was born in India on 24th September,1991. She is currently a senior at Wyoming Seminary College Preparatory School at Kingston in northeast Pennsylvania. She lives in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania with her parents.

A National Ap expert and a member of Johns Hopkins University's Study of Exceptional Talent agenda since 2004, Diya attended the Pennsylvania Governor's School for the Sciences in the summer of 2007. She is currently the co-editor-in-chief of her school newspaper, The Opinator, and a member of her school's chorale and orchestra. In her free time, Diya shape skates and plays piano and violin.

Book Addresses Indian American Immigration

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Teleprompter in Chief Comes to India - How Embarrassing undoubtedly

Some Americans believed that President Bush was an embarrassment abroad, yet, he indeed wasn't - he brought dignity and American values with him, even if the socialist liberal press attacked his personal character and went ape-waste when he mispronounced a word here and there. Every person knew what he meant, but that's how the press operates. Together with the world press who trashed him as well for sticking up for what was right.

Now, however, we see our current teleprompter in chief going to India to speak to its parliament, and instead of speaking from the heart, he will be using this electronic gadget with measured words. In that case, that's all they will be seen as; just words and nothing else, hollow words of no meaning or value. How can this be accepted for an American President - I ask?

News From India

A indeed troubling news description recently appeared in Dna or Daily News and Analysis; "Teleprompter to Make Its Debut in Parliament when Obama Speaks," written on October 27, 2010. Apparently, President Obama will use a teleprompter in India's parliament when he goes to speak in their country according to this article; "A teleprompter will be in use for the first time in the Central Hall of Parliament when Us President Barack Obama addresses Mps on November eight."

Indeed, as a think tank member it seems the Obama supervision is breaking a cardinal sin of culture in doing this. Even though this will be less than a 20-minute speech, the President is using a teleprompter. I bet the Indians see this as a slap in the face and false character - a less genuine Us President. In my professional geo-political opinion, this is very, very wrong. If our President cannot make a speech without a teleprompter, he shouldn't make any.

Further, why does the Us need a President who cannot or will not speak his mind, or cannot allege his true feelings, without fear of looking bad? Please think this - we live in a great nation, we need a great leader. This is not working out, we need new blood, and we need to vote ourselves a good leader in the Us.

Teleprompter in Chief Comes to India - How Embarrassing undoubtedly

Visit : todays world news headlines

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Types of Indian Embroideries


India is a diversified country having varied range of cultures and customs. The Indian art and craft have become world famous. There is huge examine of Indian embroidered garments. There is huge collection of embroideries done in India, here are few of them which have got more fame in terms of popularity in international store : -

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Zardozi embroidery

Zardozi work is an aged form of exaggeration basically done with gold or silver zari threads. It is also known as metal embroidery. Although now-a-days it is also done with colored metal threads. The word 'Zardozi' is derived by combining two words Zar and Dozi which in Persian language means gold and exaggeration respectively. Therefore it is clear that this art of exaggeration was originated in Persia which was bought to India by Moghuls. Initially it was done with real metal threads of gold and silver. It was done on clothes for the rich and royal, wall hangings, bedsheets, etc. In in the middle of the application of pearls and precious stones looks stunning on it. Basically it is done on silk, crepe, brocade and velvet fabrics. Zardozi exaggeration saw its decline during the reign of Aurangzeb. It was revived after the independence.

Zardozi work is an extension of zari exaggeration which is done with crochet hook. The exaggeration done gives the appearance of chain stitch. The things required for doing zardozi are beads, dabka, coiled wires, sequins, etc.

As zardozi is done with coiled metal wires studded with stones, beads, etc is heavy in weight therefore is done on fabrics that are thick and heavy like silk, velvet, stain, crepe, etc. Thus the option of fabrics is also royal and expensive. The form to be done is first traced on the fabric, then it is spread on the wooden frame. Further the exaggeration is done by picking up single thread in the needle and sewing it into the cloth. This art requires patience and is quite complicated. Expertise is required to do it properly.

Earlier zardozi was done on wearable garments and bedspreads in general for royal families. But now it has got into the reach of base people also. Clothes with zardozi are an integral part for any wedding or foremost functions as it depicts royalty. Apart from wearable garments, zardozi is also done on cushion covers, table cloths, wall hangings, fabric purses, etc. This exaggeration is a precious affair.

Mirror Embroidery

Mirror exaggeration is the specialty of Gujarat state. This work also originated in Persia during 13th century. Mirror work is never done alone, it is generally in mixture with other types of stitches or embroideries. This exaggeration is done with both large and small mirrors. Basically it was more utilized by Jats community. It is embroidered using colorful threads like red, green, blue, yellow, black, maroon, etc.

This art apart from Gujarat state is also practiced in neighboring state of Rajasthan and in appliqué art of Orissa. Many separate types of stitches like cross stitch, buttonhole stitch and satin stitch are used in its combination. This art is often done by the aid of engine embroidery, but in some places it is still done straight through hand work which is more time involving and a precious affair in comparison to the previous technique. The mirrors used are of separate shapes and sizes like round shape, solitaire shape, square shape, etc. However round shape is the most base shape of mirrors used in this form of embroidery.

Mirror work is done on separate fabrics and types of garments. Apart from ethnic garments it is crafted even on indo western clothes. It has huge examine in western countries. Mirror work is done on cushion covers, purses, bedsheets, curtains, wearable garments, wall hangings, attractive items, laces, etc. This exaggeration has also seen the limelight of international ramp shows too.

Kantha Embroidery

Kantha is the former form of exaggeration of West Bengal. It is running style of stitch. The exaggeration is done on many layers of cloth. It is done on quilts, bedsheets, blankets, saris, salwar suits, stoles, napkins, etc.

It is also known as 'Dorukha'. This word means making worn out garments into gorgeous garments. Therefore it is also known as recycling art. In earlier times the worn out silk or muslin clothes where used to be put in piles and stitched together. It is believed that its date of origin lies during the era of Lord Buddha. They used to drape themselves with rags of clothes that were stitched together.

The artists regularly exaggeration images of human beings, animals, flowers, geometric designs and mythological figures. generally the worker selects the frame of exaggeration to which they delineate to. There are separate types of kantha done- Sujani kantha, Durjani kantha, Lep kantha, Archilata kantha, Rumal kantha and Oaar kantha.

Different types of patterns like jaal, folk life designs, dhan chori, etc are done in kantha embroidery. The rural women of West Bengal regularly do it on cotton saris with thread taken from the borders of the sari and done all over.

Chikankari Embroidery

The state of Uttar Pradesh especially the city of Lucknow is considered to be the hub of Chikankari embroidery. Chikankari is derived from the word Chakeen that means elegant patterns on the fabric which is a Persian word. Earlier it was done with white thread on muslin clothes. However now it is been done on varied types of fabrics like cotton, linen nylon, georgette, chiffon and synthetic fabrics. Apart from wearable garments it is also done on varied other things like curtains, bedsheets, table cloths, pillow covers and cushion covers.

Unlike earlier times it is not only done on white colored cloths but also fabrics of varied colors. But the thread used for the exaggeration is generally white. varied motifs are embroidered straight through it like floral motifs which contain flowers like rose, lotus, jasmine, creepers, etc.

There are many types of stitches used to make gorgeous chikankari exaggeration like chain stitch, buttonhole stitch, French knots and running stitch. The most gorgeous is the motif having form created in the form of net or jhali all over the garment by generating thread tension. Shadow work is also done by chikan exaggeration which is done on the opposite side of the garment.

There are three types of chikankari stitches ;

1) Jali work - It is done in the form of net form spread all over the fabric.

2) Flat stitches - The flat stitches are delicate and very fine stitch. It gives the look as if the exaggeration is itself the texture of the garment.

3) Embossed stitches - This stitch provides beaded type of look to the garment.

In international apparel store also the examine of chikankari embroidered garments have seen a steep rise. The artisans of Uttar Pradesh earn foreign currency for the country. Many high profile designers intricate this form of art in their collections.


India is very rich in terms of art and crafts because of separate communities and culture of its people. The above was just a see of four the many types of exaggeration art present in India. These arts have acclaimed international fame and are in great examine in western countries. After independence these arts were revived by the Indian government which improved the declining situation of the Indian embroideries. The main maintain came from the Indian government.

Types of Indian Embroideries

Friends Link : todays world news headlines

Friday, March 25, 2011

Life In India during The Rains

The most foremost event in the Indian year is the monsoon. India is an agricultural country, and the year's crops depend on the character of the rainy season. A good monsoon means prosperity, but an excess of rain means destructive floods, and the failure of the monsoon spells drought and famine. The monsoon or trade winds, reach India about the month of June. Arrival as they do over thousands of miles of sea, they are laden with moisture; and when they meet the cool heights of the Western Ghats, and later the Himalayas, clouds form, which soon dehydrate in heavy rain.

In a good monsoon, the rainy season continues until about the end of September. How eagerly the monsoon is looked for! Before it breaks, the heat is well-nigh intolerable. Day after day the sun blazes down from an unclouded sky. The ground is baked and parched, the air is like the blast of a furnace, in many places water is scarce, and men and animals gasp and pant in the heart. At last a thunder-storm rolls up from the south-west and, with lightning, thunder and wind, the welcome rain pours down.

News From India

The change is approximately magical. The air becomes delightfully cool and moist; the sun's heat is day by day moderated by clouds; the dry, parched land is quickly covered with green vegetation; and life becomes bearable. Except, however, when it is in effect raining, it is still hot in the rainy season; but the heat is not fierce and dry, but steamy and sticky. The farmers now begin to be busy, sloughing and showing the rain-soaked land for the kharif, or autumn, corps. The rainy season, though a pleasant relief from the fierce heat, has its disadvantages. Swarms of insects appear, flying ants, flies, mosquitoes, etc., which often make life a burden. And the mosquitoes, bred by the million in the standing pools, bring malarial fever with them. And other more terrible diseases, like cholera, work havoc among the poor. But the peasants much prefer to put up with these inconveniences than a failure of the rains, which means famine.

Life In India during The Rains

Related : todays world news headlines

Thursday, March 24, 2011

road Hawkers of India

Street hawkers are very tasteless in India. They can be found here, there and everywhere. There is hardly any village, town or a city without road hawkers. They have been there for countries. They go from one town to other town and road for selling their various articles.

A road hawker comes with his basket full of fruits, vegetables, sweets, and articles of normal use. He may come with a big bundle of clothes or shawls on his back. He is very useful. He brings the bazaar to our door-steps and makes life easy and convenient. He is welcomed by all, particularly by ladies, old men and children. He has no fixed hours. If he is there in this colony in the morning, he will be in the next road in the evening. He has his own way of selling goods and calling the customers.

News From India

The things he hawks are cheaper. On finding him come children and ladies flock him to buy things of daily need. He can also liked by schools during recess time. His eatables are liked by school children as they are cheap and tasty. There is a lot of haggling. Sometimes a hawker has to come to terms with his old customers and sell things on reduced rates.

A road hawker is a petty trader. He works very hard to earn his living. His revenue is meager. He carries his heavy load whether on his head or on a bicycle. His absence is very much missed by the customers. They regularly wait for his arrival for making their purchases. He is often on good terms with his customers as he is a daily visitor. A thing can be returned to him if found defective or not satisfying. He willingly exchanges things bought from him when found defective. He tries hard to satisfy his customers. The conditions of the hawkers are very bad. They somehow conduct to keep their body and soul together. They are also exploited by policemen municipal authorities and other officials.

Sometimes hawkers cause nuisance by distributing the peace of the locality by their loud cells. They often throw wrappers, fruit-skins and leaf-plates here and there. Many a time a hawker may indulge in theft or stealing. An anti-social element may also be there in the guise of a road hawker. It is not safe to buy things from unknown hawkers. Hawkers should be registered and licenced to check cheating and mal-practices. They may cheat small children and furnish cheap and harmful eatables. Sometimes a hawker may turnout a child-lifter.

Thousands and thousands of poor citizen earn their daily bread by hawking. It is a very useful self-employment which can be started with a very small estimate of money. There is no harm in earning one's bread and butter by hawking. Government should try to help them by giving loans on cheap rates of interest. Their lot should be improved as citizens of the country. As hawkers, they render a useful service. Instead of becoming a burden on the society, they sustain themselves and their families by adopting this profession. So far no collective group or government division has done whatever to organise them.

road Hawkers of India

Related : todays world news headlines

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Vishal - From Child Actor to Certified Star

Vishal has had an attractive occupation in Kollywood. From being a child star to dropping out of law to school to get back into acting at 24; only acknowledge with two bombs in the box office and to now being one of the most sought after actors in Kollywood, pulling off one of the most comebacks in Indian entertainment.

Vishal got in the commerce like many of his peers in not only kollywood but Bollywood and hollywood as well; his father was a director of Tamil films, and in a predominant anecdote got his diapers changed on the set of Jadikketha Moodi, ironically vishal would star in a re-make of that movie 20 years later. He got his first break early in kollywood by being the lovable child every person knew as samir in the blockbuster hit Chellamae. This at once made him one of the only child stars in India. He was the first child actors to get a sponsorship for Carvel Ice Cream, development him one of the highest paid actors in India, regardless of age. His father and mother insisted that vishal have a normal childhood, despite the money and fame that came with being a predominant actor.

News From India

Despite the fact that he was very rich, his parents came straight through with their promise of him having a normal childhood, and by 18 he was the valedictorian at his school in chennai, and after going to university he got appropriate to one of America's most prestigious university; Yale. But as the saying goes, you take the actor off the drug of fame and fortune but ultimately they will be back.

So he made the jump into the kollywood commerce again with the flop Sandakozhi. It was an absolute disaster in the box office, only to be followed by other bomb at the box office Thimiru. It was a major blow to both his ego and his value as a star actor. It looked like the occupation was over, but he decided to take some time of and work on his craft. One of the things he did to heighten his craft was to

Study Shakespeare in London, and he also did some musicals in England. ultimately after some time off he was ready to make a comeback.

The movie Malaikottai was one o the most successful Tamil films of time, rakin in more than 50 crores on one weekend, a report for comedies at the time. His performance brought him many awards including he Filmfare award for Best Actor in 1998; completing the biggest comeback in the history of this industry. He did a merge more movies after that and he started a yield company. He now lives in Goa with his wife, and he is now regarded as one of the most actors of his time.

Vishal - From Child Actor to Certified Star

See Also : todays world news headlines

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Kurti Eliminated From "Dance India Dance" Season 2

Hosts of Dance India Dance Season 2, Jay Bhanushali and Saumya Tandon, introduced 5th March, 2010 part on Zee Tv. Unsafe guys who had received minimum votes from the audiences sat on the red sofa.

First unsafe girl was Amrita in this part of Did 2. The part begins with Kunwar Amar's dance. He performed on Mayurbhanj Chhau dancing style from Terence Ki Toli. His operation was unmistakably very appreciating.

News From India

Next operation on the stage of Dance India Dance 2 is done by Binny from Geeta Ki Gang. She performed Belly Dance & Freestyle.

In the second round, Nikkitasha was in the unsafe zone. However, Saajan performed on B Boying dancing style from Remo Ke Rangeele.

Next operation is played by Jack from Terence Ki Toli in Did Season 2. He performed contemporary dancing style.

In the third round, Punit was in unsafe zone in 5th March, 2010 part of Lux Dance India Dance Season 2 on Zee Tv. In this round, Shakti performed on Bollywood Freestyle from Terence Ki Toli.

Next performer was Dharmesh Sir from Geeta Ki Gang who played a Freestyle dancing style on this stage.

In the last round, Kurti goes in unsafe zone. However, Kishore performed from Geeta Ki Gang on Aerial contemporary dancing style.

In the final round, Puneet and Kurti performed from Terence Ki Toli. Puneet played a Hip Hop dancing style however, Kurti chooses Semi Classical dancing style.

Amrita performed from Geeta Ki Gang on Lavani that was superb in this part on the stage of Lux Dance India Dance 2. Nikkitasha performed also Hip Hop from Remo Ke Rangeele on this stage. Finally, Kurti eliminated from Dance India Dance 2 in the 5th March, 2010 episode.

Overall, this part introduced the best dance with the most appreciating 12 dancing superstars in Did 2. Their dance operation was wonderful and they give their full effort in their performance.

Amrita played the most appreciating operation in this part with her Lavani dancing style. In the result, Kurti leaves the stage of Dance India Dance 2 on 5th March by getting the least votes from the audiences. Despite it, she will always be known as one of the best dancers on this stage.

Kurti Eliminated From "Dance India Dance" Season 2

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