
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Teleprompter in Chief Comes to India - How Embarrassing undoubtedly

Some Americans believed that President Bush was an embarrassment abroad, yet, he indeed wasn't - he brought dignity and American values with him, even if the socialist liberal press attacked his personal character and went ape-waste when he mispronounced a word here and there. Every person knew what he meant, but that's how the press operates. Together with the world press who trashed him as well for sticking up for what was right.

Now, however, we see our current teleprompter in chief going to India to speak to its parliament, and instead of speaking from the heart, he will be using this electronic gadget with measured words. In that case, that's all they will be seen as; just words and nothing else, hollow words of no meaning or value. How can this be accepted for an American President - I ask?

News From India

A indeed troubling news description recently appeared in Dna or Daily News and Analysis; "Teleprompter to Make Its Debut in Parliament when Obama Speaks," written on October 27, 2010. Apparently, President Obama will use a teleprompter in India's parliament when he goes to speak in their country according to this article; "A teleprompter will be in use for the first time in the Central Hall of Parliament when Us President Barack Obama addresses Mps on November eight."

Indeed, as a think tank member it seems the Obama supervision is breaking a cardinal sin of culture in doing this. Even though this will be less than a 20-minute speech, the President is using a teleprompter. I bet the Indians see this as a slap in the face and false character - a less genuine Us President. In my professional geo-political opinion, this is very, very wrong. If our President cannot make a speech without a teleprompter, he shouldn't make any.

Further, why does the Us need a President who cannot or will not speak his mind, or cannot allege his true feelings, without fear of looking bad? Please think this - we live in a great nation, we need a great leader. This is not working out, we need new blood, and we need to vote ourselves a good leader in the Us.

Teleprompter in Chief Comes to India - How Embarrassing undoubtedly

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