
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tibet - India's Dilemma

Tibet remains one of those difficult diplomatic and political, and moral challenges for the world. This is even more so, for India.

Since China's defeat of independent Tibetan army in 1949 and the signing of an business transaction by the then Tibetan government, the situation has been rife for difference and conflict: The government of China recognizes Tibet as autonomous provincial entity of the mainland China but the government of Tibet in Exile seeks independence for Tibet. And there are other disputes which comprise what constitutes Tibet i.e. The geography of Tibet.

News From India

India has always been involved in this dispute. Dalai Lama who is the symbolic head of the Tibet government in exile was welcomed to India in 1950's and since then the Dalai Lama has made Dharma Shala (in India) his home. Of course, the government of China has been very displeased with this arrangement. Furthermore, in China's view Tibet also includes Arunachala Pradesh -- a province in India.

Thus there are many issues of possible dispute in the middle of India and China with regard to Tibet. However, over time China and India have let the status quo prevail for the sake of peace. Both countries have been focused on economic growth and development.

However, the forthcoming Olympic games in summer, and Tibet's recent energetic and loud demands and protests all over the world for independence and Dalai Lama's nuanced stance (of both supporting the Olympic games and the aspirations of the Tibetans for independence) in the context of long-standing retain of India for Dalai Lama has made it a knotty situation.

Here is the crux of the issue: should India be focused on its immediate national interests based on evaluation of geo-political, territorial, economic and security issues? Or should India be an agent for fostering religious and cultural free time and diversity consistent with its traditions (even if it led to serious consequences to immediate political and economic interests)? The talk to these questions will decide India's response to the current Tibetan turmoil along with the relay of Olympic torch in New Delhi later in April.

Tibet - India's Dilemma

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