
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tibet - India's Dilemma

Tibet remains one of those difficult diplomatic and political, and moral challenges for the world. This is even more so, for India.

Since China's defeat of independent Tibetan army in 1949 and the signing of an business transaction by the then Tibetan government, the situation has been rife for difference and conflict: The government of China recognizes Tibet as autonomous provincial entity of the mainland China but the government of Tibet in Exile seeks independence for Tibet. And there are other disputes which comprise what constitutes Tibet i.e. The geography of Tibet.

News From India

India has always been involved in this dispute. Dalai Lama who is the symbolic head of the Tibet government in exile was welcomed to India in 1950's and since then the Dalai Lama has made Dharma Shala (in India) his home. Of course, the government of China has been very displeased with this arrangement. Furthermore, in China's view Tibet also includes Arunachala Pradesh -- a province in India.

Thus there are many issues of possible dispute in the middle of India and China with regard to Tibet. However, over time China and India have let the status quo prevail for the sake of peace. Both countries have been focused on economic growth and development.

However, the forthcoming Olympic games in summer, and Tibet's recent energetic and loud demands and protests all over the world for independence and Dalai Lama's nuanced stance (of both supporting the Olympic games and the aspirations of the Tibetans for independence) in the context of long-standing retain of India for Dalai Lama has made it a knotty situation.

Here is the crux of the issue: should India be focused on its immediate national interests based on evaluation of geo-political, territorial, economic and security issues? Or should India be an agent for fostering religious and cultural free time and diversity consistent with its traditions (even if it led to serious consequences to immediate political and economic interests)? The talk to these questions will decide India's response to the current Tibetan turmoil along with the relay of Olympic torch in New Delhi later in April.

Tibet - India's Dilemma

Friends Link : todays world news headlines

Monday, March 28, 2011

Book Addresses Indian American Immigration

They are known as the turbaned tide. Novelist Diya Das explores the journey made by Indian immigrants from the subcontinent to America's shores in Evolution of an Identity. Weaving the report as historical fiction, the novel focuses on a young girl who uncovers the American roots of her Indian house tree.

The story unfolds in three venues. The protagonist discovers a Californian ancestor, a scholar-turned-farmworker who participated in the 1917-18 movement to gain Indian independence from Great Britain. She then follows the travel of an educated aunt who immigrated to Chicago in the 1970s to work as a newspaper columnist. Finally, the narrator explores how to merge her Indian and American identities as she attends a Hindu festival in New York City.

News From India

The novel is filled with rich cultural details, solid historical references and fitting literary allusions. Das' research ended up taking her on a personal journey. The narrator's odyssey mirrored that of the author. Where facts and imagination did not originate a coherent story, Das employed elements of her own life as a first generation Indian American immigrant.

About the author

Diya Das was born in India on 24th September,1991. She is currently a senior at Wyoming Seminary College Preparatory School at Kingston in northeast Pennsylvania. She lives in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania with her parents.

A National Ap expert and a member of Johns Hopkins University's Study of Exceptional Talent agenda since 2004, Diya attended the Pennsylvania Governor's School for the Sciences in the summer of 2007. She is currently the co-editor-in-chief of her school newspaper, The Opinator, and a member of her school's chorale and orchestra. In her free time, Diya shape skates and plays piano and violin.

Book Addresses Indian American Immigration

Thanks To : todays world news headlines

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Teleprompter in Chief Comes to India - How Embarrassing undoubtedly

Some Americans believed that President Bush was an embarrassment abroad, yet, he indeed wasn't - he brought dignity and American values with him, even if the socialist liberal press attacked his personal character and went ape-waste when he mispronounced a word here and there. Every person knew what he meant, but that's how the press operates. Together with the world press who trashed him as well for sticking up for what was right.

Now, however, we see our current teleprompter in chief going to India to speak to its parliament, and instead of speaking from the heart, he will be using this electronic gadget with measured words. In that case, that's all they will be seen as; just words and nothing else, hollow words of no meaning or value. How can this be accepted for an American President - I ask?

News From India

A indeed troubling news description recently appeared in Dna or Daily News and Analysis; "Teleprompter to Make Its Debut in Parliament when Obama Speaks," written on October 27, 2010. Apparently, President Obama will use a teleprompter in India's parliament when he goes to speak in their country according to this article; "A teleprompter will be in use for the first time in the Central Hall of Parliament when Us President Barack Obama addresses Mps on November eight."

Indeed, as a think tank member it seems the Obama supervision is breaking a cardinal sin of culture in doing this. Even though this will be less than a 20-minute speech, the President is using a teleprompter. I bet the Indians see this as a slap in the face and false character - a less genuine Us President. In my professional geo-political opinion, this is very, very wrong. If our President cannot make a speech without a teleprompter, he shouldn't make any.

Further, why does the Us need a President who cannot or will not speak his mind, or cannot allege his true feelings, without fear of looking bad? Please think this - we live in a great nation, we need a great leader. This is not working out, we need new blood, and we need to vote ourselves a good leader in the Us.

Teleprompter in Chief Comes to India - How Embarrassing undoubtedly

Visit : todays world news headlines

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Types of Indian Embroideries


India is a diversified country having varied range of cultures and customs. The Indian art and craft have become world famous. There is huge examine of Indian embroidered garments. There is huge collection of embroideries done in India, here are few of them which have got more fame in terms of popularity in international store : -

News From India

Zardozi embroidery

Zardozi work is an aged form of exaggeration basically done with gold or silver zari threads. It is also known as metal embroidery. Although now-a-days it is also done with colored metal threads. The word 'Zardozi' is derived by combining two words Zar and Dozi which in Persian language means gold and exaggeration respectively. Therefore it is clear that this art of exaggeration was originated in Persia which was bought to India by Moghuls. Initially it was done with real metal threads of gold and silver. It was done on clothes for the rich and royal, wall hangings, bedsheets, etc. In in the middle of the application of pearls and precious stones looks stunning on it. Basically it is done on silk, crepe, brocade and velvet fabrics. Zardozi exaggeration saw its decline during the reign of Aurangzeb. It was revived after the independence.

Zardozi work is an extension of zari exaggeration which is done with crochet hook. The exaggeration done gives the appearance of chain stitch. The things required for doing zardozi are beads, dabka, coiled wires, sequins, etc.

As zardozi is done with coiled metal wires studded with stones, beads, etc is heavy in weight therefore is done on fabrics that are thick and heavy like silk, velvet, stain, crepe, etc. Thus the option of fabrics is also royal and expensive. The form to be done is first traced on the fabric, then it is spread on the wooden frame. Further the exaggeration is done by picking up single thread in the needle and sewing it into the cloth. This art requires patience and is quite complicated. Expertise is required to do it properly.

Earlier zardozi was done on wearable garments and bedspreads in general for royal families. But now it has got into the reach of base people also. Clothes with zardozi are an integral part for any wedding or foremost functions as it depicts royalty. Apart from wearable garments, zardozi is also done on cushion covers, table cloths, wall hangings, fabric purses, etc. This exaggeration is a precious affair.

Mirror Embroidery

Mirror exaggeration is the specialty of Gujarat state. This work also originated in Persia during 13th century. Mirror work is never done alone, it is generally in mixture with other types of stitches or embroideries. This exaggeration is done with both large and small mirrors. Basically it was more utilized by Jats community. It is embroidered using colorful threads like red, green, blue, yellow, black, maroon, etc.

This art apart from Gujarat state is also practiced in neighboring state of Rajasthan and in appliqué art of Orissa. Many separate types of stitches like cross stitch, buttonhole stitch and satin stitch are used in its combination. This art is often done by the aid of engine embroidery, but in some places it is still done straight through hand work which is more time involving and a precious affair in comparison to the previous technique. The mirrors used are of separate shapes and sizes like round shape, solitaire shape, square shape, etc. However round shape is the most base shape of mirrors used in this form of embroidery.

Mirror work is done on separate fabrics and types of garments. Apart from ethnic garments it is crafted even on indo western clothes. It has huge examine in western countries. Mirror work is done on cushion covers, purses, bedsheets, curtains, wearable garments, wall hangings, attractive items, laces, etc. This exaggeration has also seen the limelight of international ramp shows too.

Kantha Embroidery

Kantha is the former form of exaggeration of West Bengal. It is running style of stitch. The exaggeration is done on many layers of cloth. It is done on quilts, bedsheets, blankets, saris, salwar suits, stoles, napkins, etc.

It is also known as 'Dorukha'. This word means making worn out garments into gorgeous garments. Therefore it is also known as recycling art. In earlier times the worn out silk or muslin clothes where used to be put in piles and stitched together. It is believed that its date of origin lies during the era of Lord Buddha. They used to drape themselves with rags of clothes that were stitched together.

The artists regularly exaggeration images of human beings, animals, flowers, geometric designs and mythological figures. generally the worker selects the frame of exaggeration to which they delineate to. There are separate types of kantha done- Sujani kantha, Durjani kantha, Lep kantha, Archilata kantha, Rumal kantha and Oaar kantha.

Different types of patterns like jaal, folk life designs, dhan chori, etc are done in kantha embroidery. The rural women of West Bengal regularly do it on cotton saris with thread taken from the borders of the sari and done all over.

Chikankari Embroidery

The state of Uttar Pradesh especially the city of Lucknow is considered to be the hub of Chikankari embroidery. Chikankari is derived from the word Chakeen that means elegant patterns on the fabric which is a Persian word. Earlier it was done with white thread on muslin clothes. However now it is been done on varied types of fabrics like cotton, linen nylon, georgette, chiffon and synthetic fabrics. Apart from wearable garments it is also done on varied other things like curtains, bedsheets, table cloths, pillow covers and cushion covers.

Unlike earlier times it is not only done on white colored cloths but also fabrics of varied colors. But the thread used for the exaggeration is generally white. varied motifs are embroidered straight through it like floral motifs which contain flowers like rose, lotus, jasmine, creepers, etc.

There are many types of stitches used to make gorgeous chikankari exaggeration like chain stitch, buttonhole stitch, French knots and running stitch. The most gorgeous is the motif having form created in the form of net or jhali all over the garment by generating thread tension. Shadow work is also done by chikan exaggeration which is done on the opposite side of the garment.

There are three types of chikankari stitches ;

1) Jali work - It is done in the form of net form spread all over the fabric.

2) Flat stitches - The flat stitches are delicate and very fine stitch. It gives the look as if the exaggeration is itself the texture of the garment.

3) Embossed stitches - This stitch provides beaded type of look to the garment.

In international apparel store also the examine of chikankari embroidered garments have seen a steep rise. The artisans of Uttar Pradesh earn foreign currency for the country. Many high profile designers intricate this form of art in their collections.


India is very rich in terms of art and crafts because of separate communities and culture of its people. The above was just a see of four the many types of exaggeration art present in India. These arts have acclaimed international fame and are in great examine in western countries. After independence these arts were revived by the Indian government which improved the declining situation of the Indian embroideries. The main maintain came from the Indian government.

Types of Indian Embroideries

Friends Link : todays world news headlines

Friday, March 25, 2011

Life In India during The Rains

The most foremost event in the Indian year is the monsoon. India is an agricultural country, and the year's crops depend on the character of the rainy season. A good monsoon means prosperity, but an excess of rain means destructive floods, and the failure of the monsoon spells drought and famine. The monsoon or trade winds, reach India about the month of June. Arrival as they do over thousands of miles of sea, they are laden with moisture; and when they meet the cool heights of the Western Ghats, and later the Himalayas, clouds form, which soon dehydrate in heavy rain.

In a good monsoon, the rainy season continues until about the end of September. How eagerly the monsoon is looked for! Before it breaks, the heat is well-nigh intolerable. Day after day the sun blazes down from an unclouded sky. The ground is baked and parched, the air is like the blast of a furnace, in many places water is scarce, and men and animals gasp and pant in the heart. At last a thunder-storm rolls up from the south-west and, with lightning, thunder and wind, the welcome rain pours down.

News From India

The change is approximately magical. The air becomes delightfully cool and moist; the sun's heat is day by day moderated by clouds; the dry, parched land is quickly covered with green vegetation; and life becomes bearable. Except, however, when it is in effect raining, it is still hot in the rainy season; but the heat is not fierce and dry, but steamy and sticky. The farmers now begin to be busy, sloughing and showing the rain-soaked land for the kharif, or autumn, corps. The rainy season, though a pleasant relief from the fierce heat, has its disadvantages. Swarms of insects appear, flying ants, flies, mosquitoes, etc., which often make life a burden. And the mosquitoes, bred by the million in the standing pools, bring malarial fever with them. And other more terrible diseases, like cholera, work havoc among the poor. But the peasants much prefer to put up with these inconveniences than a failure of the rains, which means famine.

Life In India during The Rains

Related : todays world news headlines

Thursday, March 24, 2011

road Hawkers of India

Street hawkers are very tasteless in India. They can be found here, there and everywhere. There is hardly any village, town or a city without road hawkers. They have been there for countries. They go from one town to other town and road for selling their various articles.

A road hawker comes with his basket full of fruits, vegetables, sweets, and articles of normal use. He may come with a big bundle of clothes or shawls on his back. He is very useful. He brings the bazaar to our door-steps and makes life easy and convenient. He is welcomed by all, particularly by ladies, old men and children. He has no fixed hours. If he is there in this colony in the morning, he will be in the next road in the evening. He has his own way of selling goods and calling the customers.

News From India

The things he hawks are cheaper. On finding him come children and ladies flock him to buy things of daily need. He can also liked by schools during recess time. His eatables are liked by school children as they are cheap and tasty. There is a lot of haggling. Sometimes a hawker has to come to terms with his old customers and sell things on reduced rates.

A road hawker is a petty trader. He works very hard to earn his living. His revenue is meager. He carries his heavy load whether on his head or on a bicycle. His absence is very much missed by the customers. They regularly wait for his arrival for making their purchases. He is often on good terms with his customers as he is a daily visitor. A thing can be returned to him if found defective or not satisfying. He willingly exchanges things bought from him when found defective. He tries hard to satisfy his customers. The conditions of the hawkers are very bad. They somehow conduct to keep their body and soul together. They are also exploited by policemen municipal authorities and other officials.

Sometimes hawkers cause nuisance by distributing the peace of the locality by their loud cells. They often throw wrappers, fruit-skins and leaf-plates here and there. Many a time a hawker may indulge in theft or stealing. An anti-social element may also be there in the guise of a road hawker. It is not safe to buy things from unknown hawkers. Hawkers should be registered and licenced to check cheating and mal-practices. They may cheat small children and furnish cheap and harmful eatables. Sometimes a hawker may turnout a child-lifter.

Thousands and thousands of poor citizen earn their daily bread by hawking. It is a very useful self-employment which can be started with a very small estimate of money. There is no harm in earning one's bread and butter by hawking. Government should try to help them by giving loans on cheap rates of interest. Their lot should be improved as citizens of the country. As hawkers, they render a useful service. Instead of becoming a burden on the society, they sustain themselves and their families by adopting this profession. So far no collective group or government division has done whatever to organise them.

road Hawkers of India

Related : todays world news headlines

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Vishal - From Child Actor to Certified Star

Vishal has had an attractive occupation in Kollywood. From being a child star to dropping out of law to school to get back into acting at 24; only acknowledge with two bombs in the box office and to now being one of the most sought after actors in Kollywood, pulling off one of the most comebacks in Indian entertainment.

Vishal got in the commerce like many of his peers in not only kollywood but Bollywood and hollywood as well; his father was a director of Tamil films, and in a predominant anecdote got his diapers changed on the set of Jadikketha Moodi, ironically vishal would star in a re-make of that movie 20 years later. He got his first break early in kollywood by being the lovable child every person knew as samir in the blockbuster hit Chellamae. This at once made him one of the only child stars in India. He was the first child actors to get a sponsorship for Carvel Ice Cream, development him one of the highest paid actors in India, regardless of age. His father and mother insisted that vishal have a normal childhood, despite the money and fame that came with being a predominant actor.

News From India

Despite the fact that he was very rich, his parents came straight through with their promise of him having a normal childhood, and by 18 he was the valedictorian at his school in chennai, and after going to university he got appropriate to one of America's most prestigious university; Yale. But as the saying goes, you take the actor off the drug of fame and fortune but ultimately they will be back.

So he made the jump into the kollywood commerce again with the flop Sandakozhi. It was an absolute disaster in the box office, only to be followed by other bomb at the box office Thimiru. It was a major blow to both his ego and his value as a star actor. It looked like the occupation was over, but he decided to take some time of and work on his craft. One of the things he did to heighten his craft was to

Study Shakespeare in London, and he also did some musicals in England. ultimately after some time off he was ready to make a comeback.

The movie Malaikottai was one o the most successful Tamil films of time, rakin in more than 50 crores on one weekend, a report for comedies at the time. His performance brought him many awards including he Filmfare award for Best Actor in 1998; completing the biggest comeback in the history of this industry. He did a merge more movies after that and he started a yield company. He now lives in Goa with his wife, and he is now regarded as one of the most actors of his time.

Vishal - From Child Actor to Certified Star

See Also : todays world news headlines

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Kurti Eliminated From "Dance India Dance" Season 2

Hosts of Dance India Dance Season 2, Jay Bhanushali and Saumya Tandon, introduced 5th March, 2010 part on Zee Tv. Unsafe guys who had received minimum votes from the audiences sat on the red sofa.

First unsafe girl was Amrita in this part of Did 2. The part begins with Kunwar Amar's dance. He performed on Mayurbhanj Chhau dancing style from Terence Ki Toli. His operation was unmistakably very appreciating.

News From India

Next operation on the stage of Dance India Dance 2 is done by Binny from Geeta Ki Gang. She performed Belly Dance & Freestyle.

In the second round, Nikkitasha was in the unsafe zone. However, Saajan performed on B Boying dancing style from Remo Ke Rangeele.

Next operation is played by Jack from Terence Ki Toli in Did Season 2. He performed contemporary dancing style.

In the third round, Punit was in unsafe zone in 5th March, 2010 part of Lux Dance India Dance Season 2 on Zee Tv. In this round, Shakti performed on Bollywood Freestyle from Terence Ki Toli.

Next performer was Dharmesh Sir from Geeta Ki Gang who played a Freestyle dancing style on this stage.

In the last round, Kurti goes in unsafe zone. However, Kishore performed from Geeta Ki Gang on Aerial contemporary dancing style.

In the final round, Puneet and Kurti performed from Terence Ki Toli. Puneet played a Hip Hop dancing style however, Kurti chooses Semi Classical dancing style.

Amrita performed from Geeta Ki Gang on Lavani that was superb in this part on the stage of Lux Dance India Dance 2. Nikkitasha performed also Hip Hop from Remo Ke Rangeele on this stage. Finally, Kurti eliminated from Dance India Dance 2 in the 5th March, 2010 episode.

Overall, this part introduced the best dance with the most appreciating 12 dancing superstars in Did 2. Their dance operation was wonderful and they give their full effort in their performance.

Amrita played the most appreciating operation in this part with her Lavani dancing style. In the result, Kurti leaves the stage of Dance India Dance 2 on 5th March by getting the least votes from the audiences. Despite it, she will always be known as one of the best dancers on this stage.

Kurti Eliminated From "Dance India Dance" Season 2

Thanks To : todays world news headlines

Monday, March 21, 2011

On Commodity News

Looking for a platform where you can read the latest commodity shop news and take a behold of the latest shop prices? There are various mediums right from stock broking portals, news portals to television news channels, radio and the print media. There is a vast dissimilarity between listening and viewing commodity news at a television channel and online. You cannot read or get a detailed article of the relevant news at a television news channel but at a news portal, one that has a rapport of publishing the A-Z of commodity news, you can read a single news item as many numbers of times you want. In radio channels dedicated to commodity shop news, you can listen only at the scheduled time. And, you cannot view the up-to-the-minute news or latest shop prices on print.

No matter where you are whether you are on the move or in your office or at home, a laptop or computer with internet association will well serve your thirst for latest news and updates about the commodity shop and on latest shop prices. Coming across tips is common at an online portal. And if you happen to be a registered paid member, you may well get calls customized to your trade such as agri calls, bullion plus calls and the like that are near to accurate. One point to be noted here is that you cannot just blindly succeed the commodity tips or calls provided. If you know exactly what is happening in the commodity shop and are equipped with the basics of this field, you can take an informed decision. Staying updated with the commodity shop news and the latest shop prices does make a lot of sense.

News From India

Mcx (Multi Commodity change of India Limited), Nmceil (National Multi Commodity change of India Limited), Indian Bullion market, and Ncdex (National Commodity & Derivatives change Limited) are the main commodity exchanges of India. The commodities dealt in encompass categories ranging from energy, base metals, metals, precious metals, agriculture, grains, livestock, and more. The latest shop prices are displayed in the commodity indices.

On Commodity News

Thanks To : todays world news headlines

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Why India Can Never Be China!

My India.

Since the past 2 years I have been hearing how China is on the fast track to becoming a superpower and am always mental why are we lagging behind? Why can't our government do what the Chinese are doing? construction superb infrastructures, stringent habitancy control rules, greater standard of living, reduction of poverty, unemployment and what not.

News From India

But a news a few days back opened my eyes that all this is being done at a great cost.

A Chinese lady 8 months pregnant was made to forcibly abort her child because it was her second baby. Millions of habitancy are made homeless in the name of developing infrastructure,no freedom of press (speech and expression), no freedom to sell or buy what is yours.

True my nation does not have super infrastructure or is not on a fast track towards amelioration but I feel free in my country. I am not scared to express what I feel. True we also have a habitancy that is beyond control but we perceive the value of life of a baby to a mum and her happiness even though its her fifth child. I have Facebook, Orkut or even Sata Banta and can write or speak whatever I want straight through blogs or press.

We do not need to assess ourselves with anyone, we should be proud of whatever we have. My country values humanity, freedom and love, the very basic essence of human life. I love my country and am proud to be an Indian.

Why India Can Never Be China!

See Also : todays world news headlines

Friday, March 18, 2011

India's Influential News Media

Indian press has such a deep work on over the lives of population that the Indians trust their media more than their government in terms of news authenticity. A seek shows that the most beloved medium of news in India is television (about 37 per cent), followed closely by newspapers (at 36 per cent). Then comes radio at 7 per cent and news magazines at 4 per cent. Thus, media training is a must to handle the Indian limelight.

Surprisingly, Indians trust local newspapers, television, and radio more than news websites and blogs. So the pressure is on for Indian reporters to yield inspiring news stories every hour.

News From India

The Most prominent Newspapers Of India

In most of the Indian households, the day starts with a morning cup of tea, along with a newspaper. They are an integral part of the lives of Indians.

In a seek of Indian newspapers, the Hindustan Times (, published from Delhi, came up as the largest circulated singular edition daily with 1,175,339 copies followed by the Ananda Bazar Patrika, published from Kolkata with 1,130,167 copies. The Times of India, published from New Delhi and printed at New Delhi and Sahibabad came third with 1,102,772 copies. The Times of India, the most read English daily in India (, having eight editions with a combined circulation of 2,771,669 copies, came first among multi-edition dailies.

The Dainik Jagran ( in Hindi having 15 editions, claiming a combined circulation of 2,483,432 copies stood second. Dainik Bhaskar (Hindi) with 16 editions and a combined circulation of 1,901,384 copies, occupied the third position. The Economic Times, Financial Daily ( sells 400,000 copies. The Economic Times is the most beloved daily reaches by the business population.

India's Most Influential Magazines

Business appropriate (, business World (, and India Today ( have a strong grip over the Indian audience. They touch the lives of the Indian collective with their accurate reporting and leave room for the reader's views on current issues.

The Most favorite Tv Shows Of India

Aaj Tak ( currently dominates the Indian media. It is the most beloved and trusted news channel among the Indian audience. Then comes Dd Tv, followed by Sun Tv, Star news, Ndtv, Air, Zee news, and Bbc.

The Indian media has captured the interest of Indian audiences by its discrete Tv shows featuring predominant personalities from diversified fields, shows on lifestyle, and other entertainment topics, along with serious shows airing people's views, problems, and controversies. Shows like the Big Fight, Seedhi Baat, extra Correspondent, National Reporter, and others have rocked the newsrooms of India. The latest rage is crime shows and those discussing the law and order problems of cities.

A majority of the Indian population trusts the media finding them as credible news providers, believing that the media brings them closer to the free time of speech and their own culture. They feel that they can voice their opinions through the media. However, many viewers find a colossal estimate of western work on in Indian media.

Indian media has reached the pinnacle of carrying out and will continue to reach new heights. Hence, it becomes all the more prominent for you to take media training and organize a salutary relation with the Indian media.

India's Influential News Media

Friends Link : todays world news headlines

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Child sacrifice

Child cut and India, these two things can we combined. Recently Pune police realized that the child abductions were not ordinary. Something more serious is behind these abductions. On more interrogation police realized that the child was abducted for cut and not for money. This is in fact very shocking news. Country which is progressing so fast still has the rituals like child sacrifice. Moreover this is not the single case. Within last few years, we have seen lot of these types of cases from separate part of India.
Most of the time the sacrifices were done by females and not by the males. How a woman can do this to the other woman.

According to the story revealed by the police, the child was taken to the temple made in the one room of house. Lady there performed the rituals for some time and then mercilessly killed the child. This is the clear show of cruelty. The lady has given the intuit for doing this is having her own child. Why this kind of degrading has come up in our values. Why we are so selfish. Lady has killed the child of other for getting her own. Police say the lady is mentally retarded. But the actual case is not like so. This is the degradation of our values. We are becoming extremely selfish day by day. We are implicated with our self. With the other's grief we are not concerned. Lady has never opinion what will happen to the mother of child. One more interesting thing which is coming out is most of cases the complicated someone in cut is known one. Child is chosen with most concern for cut and it is tried that the child for cut should be like the child which is desired. in fact how cruel it is, killing some one same which you like.

News From India

Secondly a major cause behind all this is a trust in Indian that woman without child is not real women. Women without child are treated very badly .Even what ever intuit may be behind this. These women are looked badly. This causes a insecurity complicated in these women and provoke them to don anything right or wrong. We are required to change our outlook toward these women if we do not want to repeat these things in near future. Other sacrifices are done by the tantriks (who pray for black magic). They also can go up to any level for getting desired results. Therefore children become the main victim for achieving their goals.

Child sacrifice

Recommend : todays world news headlines

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

time to come of electric Bikes in India

Thanks to the economy recovery, the galvanic bike sales moderately rising these days. indeed India is seen as time to come hub for e-bikes. In this report we shall discuss "what's going on in the Indian e-bike industry? "

How galvanic bikes begin in India?

News From India

Bangalore based Eko vehicles, Gujarat based Electrothem were pioneers in galvanic bike company in India. India, being new to this technology taken time to accept this.Slowly they picked up sales because of galvanic bike benefit of no-license and no-registration. But as the technology still in nascent stage, there were a lot of assistance linked problems faced by the costumer and due to the whole conception of galvanic bike lost the good will of costumers.

Then Uk based Ultra Motors ltd and India based Hero ( a Hero motor group company ) joined hands and flagged of a thriving output and marketing of galvanic bikes along with good after sales service. Though the pair had successfully branded the e-bike conception in India, they got separated and currently launching their products individually.

Mean while Avon cycles, Lectrix Motors ltd, Ampere vehicles pvt ltd, Ti cycles also launched their galvanic bikes and concentrating on the "know how"& "know why" aspects of e-bikes and hoping a big time to come for this business.

Some news articles from varied media sources to show the time to come trend of the galvanic bike store in India.

Ultra Motor India is planning to get underway three scooters, together with one in the high-speed category, and import a high- end model to India by next year. "Electric vehicles type is becoming more and more foremost globally and it will substantially grow in India as well. We are planning to sell 55,000 units in India in 2009-10," Ultra Motor Chairman and Ceo Joe Santana said. ( Source: Umi website )

Hero electric, the Hero Group company hopes to sell 25,000-30,000 bikes this year, up 40 per cent from last year. Its plant has an yearly capacity of 120,000 units.

Electrotherm India Ltd (Eil) has posted revenues of Rs.200 million in the July-September duration this year, compared to Rs.130 million in the former quarter. While the quarter under review, the company reported a 54 percent increase in the sale of Yo-bikes. (Published by the in 28th Oct, 2008)

Bsa Motors, a Murugappa group company eyeing a store share of about 18-20 per cent by the end of this financial year ( 2009-10 ). The company plans to increase its dealership network from the present 30 in four southern states to about 100 within three months and thereafter increase it to about 120 by the end of this fiscal. company is expects sales of about 25,000 bikes While the current financial year. (As reported by The Hindu company Line on may 16th 2009.

Coimbatore based Ampere car pvt ltd is moderately addition their operations from galvanic bikes to hub motor and controller manufacturing. Their upcoming model V60 & Adya 60 has already bagged costumers due to its trendy look and performance.

The above new clips proves that this company is booming and the stated companies are having certain outlook in galvanic bike company in India.

Advertising campaigns

Currently only Yo bikes, Hero galvanic is airing a Tv industrial and giving promotional offers for their customers. Lectrix motors ltd had presented their e-1 model to the "man of the match "of all the matches played in Icl 2008. Most other companies are airing their commercials on local channels and following original banner advertisements. Some companies are giving regional promotional offers for festive seasons.

What companies should do to enhance the company in India?

1. Provide capability products to the buyer along with good after sales service.
2. Innovative Marketing campaigns to attract the prospective users.

time to come of electric Bikes in India

Visit : todays world news headlines

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Why Are Nri's Returning to India?

Non Resident Indians or Nri's are production a comeback to their homeland. In modern times, the amount of Nris returning home is growing rapidly. The Nris appear to be an enthralling reserved supply pool to many multinational fellowships in India. Indian fellowships in the Us are wooing Indians in Usa to take up job offers in their homeland. Many Indians in Usa are realizing the need to be with their close house like their aged parents, brothers, sisters and other close house members.

It is not only the lure of being with dear ones that is bringing the expatriates back, but the booming Indian economy also. Many Indians have realized that there are great job prospects back here than what they are getting in their present jobs. There are many sectors in India that wish skilled personnel and trained professionals and Nris have woken up to this fact and are trying to cash in on this great opportunity to come back to their native land to take up enthralling job offers. Many corporates and multinational fellowships in India are wooing Indians in Usa with jobs in India by enticing them with perfect rewards and benefits like salaries on par with what they are receiving in the Us, business accommodation, a very comfortable lifestyle in known and customary surroundings, and a fully paid relocation reduction for the family.

News From India

Many Nris are returning home to their country of origin for sentimental reasons. Victorious Indians located abroad in other nations for generations are feeling the need to do something that will help India grow into a global power. The only way this is possible is straight through their gift straight through brainpower by returning to India to take up jobs or to return and start their own ventures. Nris with loads of money are returning with great ideas to start their own ventures that will in turn be beneficial to many other Indians. Many Nris have discovered that the time has come when they need to return to India, start new business ventures to help their fellowmen.

In modern months, placement agencies and websites have sprung up on the internet that specializes in locating good jobs for Nris. The great success of job fairs held by Indian fellowships in many towns in the Usa prove that many Indians in Usa [] are keen to return home and are searching for good openings. Indians working in Indian fellowships in Usa are discovering that job offers in India are willing to offer them salaries that can be compared to what they are receiving in the Usa.

Many Nri s in Usa are very keen on acquiring properties in India so that relocation would be easier and they do have a place to come back to after their return. With a duplicate bonanza of earning salaries on par with what they were getting in dollars along with a lifestyle they were accustomed to in the Usa and the added benefit of being close with all their loved ones like their aged parents is production many Nris come back to their homeland.

Why Are Nri's Returning to India?

Recommend : todays world news headlines

Monday, March 14, 2011

Getting Maximum Return On investment From The Indian Stock shop

What you have heard from friends and colleagues and what you have read in reviews about the share market of India is right. Well, investing in a stock in India can be whether a involved affair or an easy job. It all depends on how knowledgeable you are about the share market of India. A inevitable strategy can work, and it can be the strategy endorsed by a market expert. It can be a strategy well planned by yourself based on your past operation in the market. Following a strategy that all the time works in your favor is a far fetched affair. This is because markets do not remain stable; these are field to volatility. So, you will have to plan out numerous strategies and exploit the right strategy designed exactly for a singular investing situation. It is then that the share market of India will turn to your advantage. It is then that your investing in any stock in India will ensure maximum return.

So, get set and build strategies to your advantage. The process is simple and your limited time and efforts devoted will advantage you for years together. The Indian stock market is one platform where you need no bulk investments and you can see your money grow in no time. If you are a beginner, you can join as a registered member at some online trading platform. There are counted few such platforms where you will find the top brokers. From the very day of your association, you can consideration the difference. It is not only the advice of the devotee brokers but also stock tips, stock recommendations, market news, updations with relevant information, and more that you can avail as a registered member at an online trading platform of stock in India. Even experts are availing the various benefits. So, why stay back? Go online, search for the right brokerage platform and start investing in share in India that promises returns.

News From India

While investing in a share in India, you should reconsider all pros and cons so that even if losses occur, it happens to a bare minimum not affecting your unabridged investment. As beginners, losses are for inevitable no matter how cautious you are. Be an informed investor and invest the right way. If you are not able to devote time in your trading of stock of India, do not invest blindly. Take the services of Sebi authorized devotee share brokers who will propose stocks for you. Availing such services may prove high-priced for you but you can get rid of the headache associated. There are also share brokers who thoroughly handle the trading of share in India on the investor's profit right from choosing stocks, taking buying and selling decisions, and handling the transactions. In short, in such a case, the investor only invests; of course the financial data, i.e. The transactions data can be viewed by the investor. Investment into the Indian stock market and let your finances multiply.

Getting Maximum Return On investment From The Indian Stock shop

Recommend : todays world news headlines

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Lakme India Fashion Week

Lakme Fashion Week is an event that celebrates fashion. This event is organized by Lakme which is known to the top brand in the cosmetic and charm in India and Img fashion which is a global leader in the management and production of fashion week and designer fashion events. Lakme Fashion Week 2009 of Fall Winter was organized from 27th to 31st March 2009 at Grand Hyatt, Mumbai. Lakme is the top brand in the charm manufactures which offers the high carrying out and an exceptional quality of cosmetics, skincare products, and charm salons all over the country. Lakme provides its consumers a holistic "Beauty Sutra" who caress straight through its products and services at the Lakme charm Salons.

Img Fashion is a group of international sports, entertainment and media company. Its a global leader in the fashion weeks and designer fashion events. Its an manufactures that gives a briefcase of events features like Lakme India Fasion Week.

News From India

Event Background:

The Fashion develop Council of India was established in 1998. Apart from fostering the growth of the manufactures in the collaboration with the agencies both government and others. The council stress on the development of domestic Pret-a-Porter (Ready-to-wear) and Diffusion (a line between ready to wear and trousseau/couture) markets. Lakme Fasion Week is the national platform that showcases the creativity of the designers which can also promote the business at national as well as international levels.


Anamika Khanna: Anamika Khanna is the well known name in the fashion manufactures who has bagged with the award of the Damania Fashion Award 1995 which jumpstarted her career and it has begin the label of "Ananmika Khanna". The color, craft, texture is naturally her area of specialization.

Manish Malhotra: Manish Malhotra is the name in the fashion manufactures that needs no introduction. His creativity of fashion spans in broader spheres of Bollywood designs, and styling. He has designed for about 1000 films.

Neeta Lulla and Nishka Lulla: Neeta Lulla has presented the contemporary and ethnic cultural affect of Indian and western styles, prints and designs with jewelery that offset the facet of collection.

Rocky S: Fashion is elements that is always created by manufacture our own style. For the designer like Rocky S the Lakme India Fashion Week proves to be the benchmark of his career which adds an array of the creative endevours. He has designed many bollywood celebrities like John Abraham, Bipasha Basu, Katrina Kaif, Shilpa Shetty, Hrithik Roshan, Arjun Rampal, Dia Mirza.

Conclusion of the Show:

The event of the Lakme India Fashion Week is marked by the celebrities and the designers from all round the globe. It provides a platform for the designers to characterize their creativity in front of the whole world. For the designers who are already established they can declare their popularity level straight through this Lakme India Fashion Week. The proximity of the celebrities on the ramp of the favourite designers and it also promotes the export business. The film stars acts as the crowd pullers for the celebrations. It is extensively covered by the media and is also promoted also.

News and Features about the Lakme Fashion Week:

Lakme Fashion Week celebrates 10 years

Lakme Fashion Week is celebrating the 10 years in fashion. It is the the most awaited celebration of fashion. Its a 5 day event which showcases the 50 top designers from all over the country. Out of which 2 designers are form the emerging category, 6 gen next category, 4 accessory designer and 38 established designers.

Ace designers Tarun Tahiliani will be presenting the grand finale which is themed as Glamor. Buyers from all over the world Middle East, South Africa, France, Hong Kong, and Usa are foreseen, in the fashion week. The sponsors like Geetanjali, Skoda-Auto, Westside, Dhl, Grey Goose, and Marie Claire all works hand in hand with the Fashion Week.

Lakme India Fashion Week

Tags : todays world news headlines

Friday, March 11, 2011

Scenario of Heart Diseases in India

According to World health assosication (Who), Cardiac diseases have nearly doubled in India, an alarming fact, inspecting that it has approximately halved in Europe and the Usa. Most recent data collected from Who, recommend that by 2010 there would be close to 100 million cardiac patients in India. It is 30 millions now. As per the Who findings, men, women and children are at risk.

The statistical data given by Who warns that, women will continue to experience disproportionately high mortality from cardiac diseases. By 2040, women in India will rehearse a higher proportion of cardio vascular disorder deaths than men. Concerning incidence 1 in 3 individuals age 65 or older has suffered from some form of heart disease or stroke. Studies have found that median each year rates of first major cardiac disease event rose from 7 per 1,000 men at ages 35 to 44 to 68 per 1,000 of ages 85 to 94. The comparable rates occur 10 years later for women but the gap in the middle of men and women narrows with advancing age. After age 75, the prevalence of cardio vascular diseases is greater in women than men.

News From India

The tasteless accelerators for cardiac diseases are stress, strain, restlessness, work activities and the urbanization. Nowadays, due to the urbanized cultures population are facing more stress and strain at home as well office. The food habits changed, the utilization of vegetables and fruits has been decreased. population are opting fast foods, which may include some material that harms their heart. The lifestyle of the population production them sensitive to cardiac diseases, as the busy daily life foremost them towards stress and restlessness. Because of the modern lifestyle the younger population are also getting the disease in necessary rate. Despite the age and gender, the cardiac diseases are evolving as a major threat for human life.

Scenario of Heart Diseases in India

See Also : todays world news headlines

Thursday, March 10, 2011

time to come of galvanic Bikes in India

Thanks to the cheaper recovery, the electric bike sales slowly rising these days. Really India is seen as hereafter hub for e-bikes. In this article we shall discuss "what's going on in the Indian e-bike industry? "

How electric bikes begin in India?

News From India

Bangalore based Eko vehicles, Gujarat based Electrothem were pioneers in electric bike enterprise in India. India, being new to this technology taken time to accept this.Slowly they picked up sales because of electric bike advantage of no-license and no-registration. But as the technology still in nascent stage, there were a lot of assistance linked problems faced by the costumer and due to the whole belief of electric bike lost the good will of costumers.

Then Uk based Ultra Motors ltd and India based Hero ( a Hero motor group enterprise ) joined hands and flagged of a prosperous production and marketing of electric bikes along with good after sales service. Though the pair had successfully branded the e-bike belief in India, they got separated and currently launching their products individually.

Mean while Avon cycles, Lectrix Motors ltd, Ampere vehicles pvt ltd, Ti cycles also launched their electric bikes and concentrating on the "know how"& "know why" aspects of e-bikes and hoping a big hereafter for this business.

Some news articles from various media sources to show the hereafter trend of the electric bike store in India.

Ultra Motor India is planning to inaugurate three scooters, along with one in the high-speed category, and import a high- end model to India by next year. "Electric vehicles kind is becoming more and more important globally and it will substantially grow in India as well. We are planning to sell 55,000 units in India in 2009-10," Ultra Motor Chairman and Ceo Joe Santana said. ( Source: Umi website )

Hero electric, the Hero Group enterprise hopes to sell 25,000-30,000 bikes this year, up 40 per cent from last year. Its plant has an each year capacity of 120,000 units.

Electrotherm India Ltd (Eil) has posted revenues of Rs.200 million in the July-September duration this year, compared to Rs.130 million in the old quarter. During the quarter under review, the enterprise reported a 54 percent increase in the sale of Yo-bikes. (Published by the in 28th Oct, 2008)

Bsa Motors, a Murugappa group enterprise eyeing a store share of about 18-20 per cent by the end of this financial year ( 2009-10 ). The enterprise plans to increase its dealership network from the present 30 in four southern states to about 100 within three months and thereafter increase it to about 120 by the end of this fiscal. enterprise is expects sales of about 25,000 bikes During the current financial year. (As reported by The Hindu enterprise Line on may 16th 2009.

Coimbatore based Ampere car pvt ltd is slowly expanding their operations from electric bikes to hub motor and controller manufacturing. Their upcoming model V60 & Adya 60 has already bagged costumers due to its trendy look and performance.

The above new clips proves that this enterprise is booming and the stated associates are having safe bet outlook in electric bike enterprise in India.

Advertising campaigns

Currently only Yo bikes, Hero electric is airing a Tv commercial and giving promotional offers for their customers. Lectrix motors ltd had presented their e-1 model to the "man of the match "of all the matches played in Icl 2008. Most other associates are airing their commercials on local channels and following primary banner advertisements. Some associates are giving regional promotional offers for festive seasons.

What associates should do to heighten the enterprise in India?

1. Furnish capability products to the buyer along with good after sales service.
2. Innovative Marketing campaigns to attract the prospective users.

time to come of galvanic Bikes in India

Related : todays world news headlines

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Liberalized India Vs Poor India

India as we know is a great country with a great history, our civilization is not newly formed as we have a history which gives proof of our industrialized civilization from the ancient time. Our mythology influences our lives and our culture is a inheritance of value. We may become too contemporary by imitating the west but categorically our values will always remain Indian.

In the above paragraph I have mentioned the good sides of our great country, people, culture, inheritance and of course ancestors and now I feel about writing some of the true facts about the poor India with loose people with loose moral and double-faced characters. Before liberalization India was a country of moderate economy with majority of people living upon agriculture.

News From India

Liberlization started in India in the early 90's when India opened up its trade for the world. Indian then was known as a country of data technology and separate industries came into being and even big multinationals eyed at India as a hot avenue of expansion, business set-up and growth. Whatever can be sold in India, we are a people centric country and there are markets for all and anything. Amid all these developments do we know that our growth and progress is only ours and they are not spread out to every nook and angle of our country. Though we have high ideals and values we are still a country of mass poverty.

Why there is so much inequality?

There is a record which says that 2 billion illegally taken out of India from 1948. Such a immense illegal outflow from India is not only a matter of concern but a matter of shame. Money that illegally flew out of India was as per estimate was approximately one third of the economy amounting to 1.5% of Gdp.

Who are the culprits

Report says inexpressive firms, wealthy individuals and black marketers, corrupt politicians and money launderers are responsible for the illegal outflow of huge money and the main source of such huge money outflow is money laundering through drug trafficking, human trafficking, currency counterfeiting.

Liberalized India Vs Poor India

Friends Link : todays world news headlines

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Cosmetic surgical operation in India - Why You Should consider It

Plastic surgery comes from the Greek word plastikos, which means to fit for moulding.

The origins of plastic surgery can be traced to India in practically 600 B.C., when the practitioner Sushruta, reconstructed criminals and prisoner's nose's and earlobe's that had been amputated.

News From India

Today, it is fitting that cosmetic surgery in India is again in the news, as its cosmetic surgery industry flourishes.

Here are three reasons why more and more people from overseas are inspecting India for their plastic surgery treatments:

The increase of Cosmetic surgery in India

Medical tourism is behind the increase of plastic surgery in India. This is where residents of one country seek to cut the costs of their medical medicine at home, by finding cheaper alternative treatments abroad (and take a free holiday with the savings) and they are finding at countries like India.

India combines world-class healthcare with prices costing a fraction of those in the Us or Europe.

India is now the important country promoting medical tourism in the world and increase in the industry is currently running in excess of 30% per annum.

Medical tourism is now a multi billion pound business.

India is even moving into a new area of "medical outsourcing" where subcontractors aim to provide services to over stretched healthcare systems in western countries, such as the Uk National condition Service.

The Indian schooling ideas at present is training an estimated 20,000 to 30,000 doctors and nurses each year to meet the request for increased medical services.

The Expertise of Cosmetic surgery in India

Everyone has heard horror stories about botched plastic surgery operations, so is India a destination that can be trusted? The reply is a resounding yes. In fact India's incommunicable medical facilities are on par with any in the world, and Indian doctors, medical staff and plastic surgeons are noted the world over for their expertise.

Plastic surgery in India offers some of the best facilities combined with plastic surgeons whose expertise is equal to the best available in any country.

The Price of Cosmetic surgery in India

While Indian healthcare is noted worldwide, the increase in medical tourism has seen a large part of this increase come in plastic surgery.

The thought has broad appeal, as Indian incommunicable facilities offer industrialized technology and high-quality procedures on par with hospitals in the major industrialized countries at a fraction of the cost, with some treatments just a tenth of the price of comparable western hospitals!

Plastic and reconstructive surgery In India utilizes the latest techniques to cover all areas of cosmetic surgery including:

· Hair restoration, (hair implants, hair flaps, and scalp reductions)

· Rhinoplasty, (reshaping or re-contouring noses)

· Face lifts

· Eyelift

· Brow lift

· Submetal lipectomy

· Demabrasions

· Laser hair removal

. Otoplasty

· Chin and cheek enlargement

· Lip reductions

· surgery for breasts

· Liposuction

All of these are available and many more, so whatever plastic surgery is required India can fulfil your requirements.


When you add up all the facts that include:

World class medical facilities, staff with unrivalled expertise, costs at up to 1 / 10 of those in major industrialized countries and the occasion to take a holiday in one of the most beautiful nations on earth, then it is time to study India.

Cosmetic surgical operation in India - Why You Should consider It

Thanks To : todays world news headlines

Monday, March 7, 2011

Five Ts of business and a Million Mutinies Now in India

The notable author, V.S. Naipaul's a non-fiction book, India: A Million Mutinies Now, (1990) was like a post-dated cheque he wrote two decades too early for the guess basic the mutiny did not exist while the time he travelled straight through India in the late eighties. Of course, how could, an author-of An Area of Darkness and India: A Wounded Civilisation-have foreseen events unfolding two decades later. The seeds of mutinies did not exist then.

Among the five Ts of enterprise viz. Table, telephone, transport, team and tempo, the poor of India had always had the threesome: table, team and tempo; the other two were denied to them for too long. Till as recently as the early eighties the fastest inexpressive transport ready to the poor in India was a bicycle. License-quota-permit raj acted as the biggest wall in lifting a person out of the poverty. The divide in the middle of the rich and the poor was accentuated by the lack of these two Ts, inexpressive transport and a telephone.

News From India

It was in 1985 that the wheels of fortune absolutely started appealing for the poor as new motorcycles were allowed to be artificial by the government by broadbanding of the manufacturing of automobiles and by granting fresh licenses to the newcomers. The habitancy with entrance to funds started buying new motorcycles and motorscooters, and in turn, they sold their old ones to the others who had petite or no entrance to funds. It took exactly 100 years-from 1885 when German inventors, Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhem Maybach, produced the first petrol bike-for the motorcycles to come to be affordable to the hungry masses of India. However the last T-telephone-became absolutely affordable to the teeming millions while the first decade of the new millennium, some 120 years after Graham Bell first addressed Watson straight through the telephone.

Right up to 1980, India had only one million telephones, reason: telephones (and a fridge, among other things) were carefully a luxury; hence, extremely regulated by department of Telecom under the telecommunication ministry. Now reconsider these facts, in the middle of 1980 and 1990 the number rose tenfold to 10 million telephones, and in the next 20 years i.e. This year, it crossed 500 million cellphones mark. Though the cellphone came to India in the mid nineties but due to very high tariffs and expensive instruments the poor had been nearly sidelined. But, as the number of the inexpressive operators grew and their own subscribers multiplied, the tariffs fell sharply and second hand cellphones became ready to the masses, as the haves moved up the value chain. In the last 5 - 6 years the number of subscribers has multiplied exponentially and very cheap cells with rock lowest tariffs are ready just about everywhere. The poor now have all the five Ts, their small enterprise are flourishing and services sector that stands on the bedrock of their back, is thriving, launching a true teeming million mutinies now.

Five Ts of business and a Million Mutinies Now in India

See Also : todays world news headlines

Saturday, March 5, 2011

modern health News Articles on Stress

The population in Siolim, India, who are suffering from stress, depression and anxiety, are seldom properly treated. Doctors and nurses assigned in this far flung fishing and farming village focus more on bodily ailments. Mostly, they prioritize children suffering from diarrhea, aging population with heart problems, and laborers with cut injuries. In the same way, locals fear to get diagnosed with related reasoning problems. They are afraid to caress disgrace from family and friends. It resulted to suffering in silence making their misery worse.

In 2007, two specialists visited the town. Their main purpose was to recognize population with anxiety and stress. Surprisingly, the doctors found themselves preoccupied the whole day and for the whole week. Dr. Anil Umraskar, the someone in charge, claimed that a great amount of population made up a "sizeable crowd" at the clinic. More and more patients with high level stress, anxiety and depression keep appearing daily.

News From India

They closed that most of the Indians with moderate to severe reasoning illness never go untreated. Study revealed that 80% to 90% of population suffering top level of anxiety and stress do not get adequate treatment. It was then that Dr. Vikram Patel, psychiatrist of London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, started the Siolim Project. As of today, the clinic has been the forefront to treat the emotional and reasoning condition of the population in the area. It has expressed its inherent to transform the reasoning condition problem in some countries in the developing world.

But instead of doctors, the schedule is training base population to recognize symptoms of depression and treat individuals under stressed condition. With India's population of more than one billion population it will take large sums of money to raise more psychiatrists to deal with depression problems. They have only 4,000 specialists in the whole country. Dr. Greg E. Simon, researcher in Centre for condition Studies in Seattle, commended Dr. Patel's advocacy. He said "It's a genuinely interesting, lively thing he's doing."

The workers claimed that stress and depression has been as base to that of the wealthy. Poor population in poor countries caress the same emotional turmoil and are no longer viewed anxiety as Western affliction.

Most of these poor patients express a wide variety of causes. 29 year old Medha Upadhye, one of the councilors said, "Financial difficulties and interpersonal conflicts are there. But Unemployment and Alcoholism are some of the major problems."

Individuals, who are identified suffering the problem, growth at least 20% in a given year. Experts say that even the remotest and poorest place, severe stress has become a disabling disease similar to malaria. It is theoretically affecting the economic condition of the society. If a farmer is suffering from consistent and constant depression or stress, he cannot get out of bed to work. Most likely, his family will not have food on the table.

modern health News Articles on Stress

Tags : todays world news headlines

Friday, March 4, 2011

Diverse Culture of India - An overview by a Native Indian

Foreigners, particularly Westerners know itsybitsy about India, its people, the customs and culture of this vast country - second only to China by way of habitancy figure, but bigger in land area. Even those who have studied about India may not know the in-depth details of the diverse cultures prevailing among Indian people, living in the northern and southern States - bifurcated by languages in 1956.

This being a very wide field for stuffing inside this itsybitsy space, an attempt is being made here to bring forth at least the differences in cultures of habitancy of North India and South India, but it should be remembered that as an Indian, all the habitancy of India, irrespective of regional and territorial barriers, have several aspects in common.

News From India

The virtues one can find among all Indians are - Faith in God - either it is one of the many Hindu Gods, Allah or Jesus; respect to elders of the family; customary values of life preserved for generations and preached to children when they are kids; shunning evil deeds and beholding good deeds fearing justice by destiny; forbearance of life's challenges with courage and simplicity.

True - India is plagued by poverty, illiteracy and superstitions prominent to castism etc., but the binding factor from Kashmir in the North end to Kanyakumari in the South end is unity in diversity, when the nation faces any peril like war or foreign invasion. And this has been proved beyond doubt many times before.

On the cultural aspect, broadly the country can be divided into North India - those States falling north of Vindhya Hills running in the centre horizontally and those falling south of it. Excepting States of Andhra Pradesh; Karnataka; Tamilnadu and Kerala, all other States are thought about North India.

Language is the famous divider here. All North Indian States ordinarily speak Hindi, the National Language, and its derivatives like Bhojpuri, Urdu, Gujarathi, Marathi, Bengali, Oriya and the like. Again, the basis for Hindi is the aged language (but now extinct) Sanskrit.

South Indian States speak the derivatives of the aged language Tamil (which is the legal language of Tamilnadu) such as Telugu (Andhra Pradesh), Kannada (Karnataka), and Malayalam (Kerala).

But in all the States of India, English is used as the coarse language and is also recognized as the legal language of India. Thanks to 300 years of British Rule, Indian Schools, Colleges and Universities are teaching for generations, impeccable British English. Indians speak and write good and chaste English as taught by text books - not the slang used by native British habitancy by repeated usage in conversations. So any foreigner with English knowledge can conveniently tour all over India.

Ancient India, prior to Independence from British Rule, was largely scattered as separate Kingdoms and Indian history shows many rulers including great Muslim Emperors like Baber. The whole country had its capital - mostly Delhi - in North India for these native as well as alien rulers. Inevitably the cultures of North India were greatly impacted by Muslim rulers and Emperors.

But South India was comparatively peaceful while invasions, blood-shed wars and turmoil, even at the time of separation of Pakistan from India. This explains the victorious of fine arts in whole of South India, especially Tamilnadu, with peace and harmony prevailing for centuries.

Even today each Indian State is identified in this background for diverse cultures. Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and Maharashtra for their bravery. West Bengal for its literary works, emotional poets like Rabindranath Tagore, uncomplicated lifestyles following communism. Orissa for its sculptures and mountain tribal lives. Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Bihar for density in population, poverty, illiteracy and ignorance.

Food habits differ only in two ways - whole of North Indian habitancy eating wheat and its products as main policy and South Indians would not miss rice and its derivatives for anything. As for vegetarianism, the South Indians are up-front although non-veg items are taken, but not as beloved as North Indian varieties.

The whole of South India consists of most Hindu temples in the country, including the monumental Tanjore Bragadeeswar Temple located in Tamilnadu, largest in size of Temple Towers.

For South Indian culture alone one can write volumes.

Diverse Culture of India - An overview by a Native Indian

Tags : todays world news headlines

Thursday, March 3, 2011

preponderant Indian Politicians

The Indian Parliament would be a excellent place to demonstrate the true richness in the diversity of India. There is a political representation from approximately all the sections of the society inside the parliament. Politics is no longer the occupation of the old, the recently terminated general Elections have demonstrated active participation by young politicians and they have also been been stylish by the group at large.

Let us accept the fact that there are a wide range of reasons why people enter politics. We have seen history-sheeters join politics and also people hungry for power and wealth. These are certainly the downsides of Indian political set-up wherein we see bad elements enter politics for purely selfish reasons. On the other hand, we have also witnessed people selecting politics as their occupation because they want to make a contrast to the society, they want to contribute, carry on the legacy of their ancestors who have made a name for themselves serving the country.

News From India

There have been many predominant politicians who have had earned heavy mandate from the people of India and have made a name for themselves in the mainstream Indian politics. India has been blessed with many predominant politicians, right from the veteran Indian politicians like Jyoti Basu, Atal Behari Vajpayee, Farookh Abdullah to seasoned campaigners like Sheila Dikshit, Sonia Gandhi, Lalu Yadav and now to the relatively new entrants like Sachin Pilot, Jyotiraditya Scindia and Akhilesh Yadav. These predominant Indian politicians have all played an active role in Indian politics, some have retired the others are still working religiously towards strengthening their respective political parties.

I just hope that Indian politics is enthused with more of the young blood and people pick politics as a guess to serve the nation and not themselves.

For more facts on the predominant Indian politicians, please log on to

preponderant Indian Politicians

Tags : todays world news headlines

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Biotechnology Thrives in India

Lonavla, India -- In India, Hindu culture trumps all. And although India is a growing hub of technological and biological influence, Hinduism dominates even the sciences. India is ranked 37 among the 82 countries assessed by the World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness article for the "state of their information technology law and its effects on economic increase and productivity."

Roughly 300,000 engineers graduate from Indian colleges and universities each year. Multinational companies are taking advantage of the talent pool by development major high-tech investments, such as Microsoft's plan to spend .7 billion and hire 3,000 employees in India over the next three to four years.

News From India

India's biotech commerce is also on the rise, with 500,000 doctors and nurses entering the workforce annually. Stem cell study in both the public and underground sectors has grown considerably over the past few years in India, where politics or faith has not hindered its expansion. As a result, India is home to not one but three national stem cell study facilities.

In Western nations like the United States, however, stem cell study is a hot-button issue. Just a public consulation of the study has triggered furious protests and stirred up government officials. Not so in India, where the Hindu-influenced worldview pervades scientific strengthen and daily discourse.

Hinduism, for its part, "doesn't share the moral skittishness sometimes displayed by Western Christian thought," said Arvind Sharma, the Birks Professor of Comparative Religions at Montreal's McGill University. If no life is destroyed when taking stem cells from an aborted fetus, and the purpose is not evil, it would not disturb their morality, he said.

To keep things on an even keel, secular committees issue national directives. In 2004, the Central Ethics Committee on Human study of the Indian Council on healing study circulated ethical guidelines on how to guide stem cell research. The Draft Guidelines on Stem Cell Research/Regulation stresses that "termination of pregnancy for obtaining fetus for stem cells, study or for transplantation is not to be permitted." Additionally, "no embryo can be created for the sole purpose of obtaining stem cells." In 2000, a article on "Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical study on Human Subjects," which dealt with genetic screening, was released.

Recommendations such as these are totally in character for the general milieu, said Sharma. "Most moral issues don't come into the public discourse but remain private." Using the example of other bioethical controversy that is competing in the West, he added, "People deal with issues like euthanasia in the context of their families."

India is officially a secular republic, home to the largest amount of Hindus and Muslims in the world. "Nearly every Indian, regardless of religion, is Hindu-thinking and lives agreeing to Hindu culture and philosophy," said Ram Surat, a Christian turn getting his divinity degree at the Union Biblical Seminary, Pune. For Hindus, this philosophy translates to a respect for all life, a confidence in an immutable soul and the body as a vessel.

Even Christians -- a growing citizen in India -- do not have as strong criticisms of biotechnology as their Western counterparts. The presume is that Hinduism casts a long shadow even over other religions.

Few Christians in India talk about such issues, said Selva Raj, the Stanley S. Kresge Professor of Religious Studies at Albion University in Michigan. "Indian Christians are much more interested in how to live and coexist with citizen of other religions."

"Life and death are not points in a line. It is a Möbius strip," said Shridhar Venkatraman, an engineer in Chennai who lived for 10 years in the United States. "All living things work toward escaping this cycle," and so life and death are personal issues.

The news describes discoveries in science as well as the furor they cause in the West. But in general, the consulation is digested silently. "Bioethics is only discussed by the very few elite," agreeing to Dhruv Raina, a professor at the Zakir Husain Centre for Educational Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi. "In general, the well-being of citizen prevails over ideas of danger," said Raina, who researches the relationship between science, societies, values and culture.

Hinduism, itself, is not a monolithic entity. "Unlike Christianity, Hinduism is not a codified religion with a particular papal authority to pontificate on every subject," said Jayanthi Iyengar, a practitioner of the Art of Living, in Pune. "You won't find a position on these issues like the one the Catholic Church has on abortion or genetic modification," Iyengar said.

"Hinduism has a fulcrum of pragmatism," agreeing to Lalitha Khanna, a researcher with a Delhi-based think tank. "What is good for development a good world is condoned, even eagerly embraced. Stem cell research, therefore, doesn't bring out the fierce opposition that Christians in the West probably taste and evince," she added. Religious mandates would be out of place here. "Every sect and subsect has a guru of its own and will not ensue the religious directions of another," said Khanna.

Cloning is also not a dirty word in India. "Hinduism will not have any major conflicts with engineered life forms of any kind because the tradition has all the time had complicated life forms and considers any and all of them as co-travelers on the Möbius strip," said Venkatraman.

"We are culturally desensitized to the possibility of the existence of such things," added Sharma. Case in point: The Hindu god of good beginnings, Ganesha, is human with an elephant's head; the god Vishnu came to earth as a narasimha -- half man, half lion.

Most Indian children learn these stories growing up, regardless of religion. "At the level of practice, I think Indian Christians are pretty pragmatic in their use of technologies," said Rowena Robinson, an associate professor of sociology at the Indian invent of Technology, Bombay. "I am not sure if the ideological implications cause much wringing of hands," she said.

It is wrong to think science and religion are in conflict in India, added Victor Ferrao, a doctoral pupil at the Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth seminary in Pune. In his hometown of Goa, Ferrao leads a community science-and-religion dialogue group. "Developments in science make the dialogue urgent," he said, "but science and religion are correlational."

Biotechnology Thrives in India

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Indian Politics

The Indian political system has come a long way since it got independence in 1947. Forming a constitution in itself was a great achievement and the first step to development. Though India is still developing, but it can be said that she has come a long way since independence.

She is standing tall on her feet after being a crippled colony for over a century by construction the constitution, forming central and state governments and construction the whole conception of supervision and economy starting from zilch, which is a great achievement. Sadly though, the current state of politics has nullified the result of these introductory steps and the citizen of India itself abhor the supervision phenomena altogether.

News From India

From Indians standing united against the British rule we have come to a point where we are now nothing more than some communist standing only for grouped sections of society. It wouldn't be wrong if I replace the 'way' in the above sentence with 'wrong way'.

Indian politics is now not only synonymic with corruption, red tape-ism, and opportunist leaders, there is more to it. There are leaders still, who do their bit religiously and not for the advantage of some sect. The government today stands on maintain of many hands, that for some is a disadvantage, and in some cases it is so, but in others, doesn't it plainly means joining hands for the betterment of the country?

The Indian politics has attained such a pessimist's attitude lately that it has become hard for the Indian public to believe in this republic and her leaders!

Indians just don't see anything obvious in the steps taken and reforms adopted. Maybe it's just a bitter result of the bad experiences in the past! But I think that Indians should not give up hope. We are equally responsible for the current state of India as much as the leaders.

We don't act in responsible ways.

We don't vote.

We don't protest against things they think are wrong.

We don't behave responsibly and litter around everywhere that they perhaps can.

We don't treat public property properly!

If I go on in this fashion, the list would be endless but the punch that I want to make here is not the complaining that we all can do, but the effort.

Lets all stand tall to remove all the loopholes!!

Indian Politics

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