
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Child sacrifice

Child cut and India, these two things can we combined. Recently Pune police realized that the child abductions were not ordinary. Something more serious is behind these abductions. On more interrogation police realized that the child was abducted for cut and not for money. This is in fact very shocking news. Country which is progressing so fast still has the rituals like child sacrifice. Moreover this is not the single case. Within last few years, we have seen lot of these types of cases from separate part of India.
Most of the time the sacrifices were done by females and not by the males. How a woman can do this to the other woman.

According to the story revealed by the police, the child was taken to the temple made in the one room of house. Lady there performed the rituals for some time and then mercilessly killed the child. This is the clear show of cruelty. The lady has given the intuit for doing this is having her own child. Why this kind of degrading has come up in our values. Why we are so selfish. Lady has killed the child of other for getting her own. Police say the lady is mentally retarded. But the actual case is not like so. This is the degradation of our values. We are becoming extremely selfish day by day. We are implicated with our self. With the other's grief we are not concerned. Lady has never opinion what will happen to the mother of child. One more interesting thing which is coming out is most of cases the complicated someone in cut is known one. Child is chosen with most concern for cut and it is tried that the child for cut should be like the child which is desired. in fact how cruel it is, killing some one same which you like.

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Secondly a major cause behind all this is a trust in Indian that woman without child is not real women. Women without child are treated very badly .Even what ever intuit may be behind this. These women are looked badly. This causes a insecurity complicated in these women and provoke them to don anything right or wrong. We are required to change our outlook toward these women if we do not want to repeat these things in near future. Other sacrifices are done by the tantriks (who pray for black magic). They also can go up to any level for getting desired results. Therefore children become the main victim for achieving their goals.

Child sacrifice

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